Conférence de presse de Popovkin: des changements à Roscosmos

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Très intéressante conférence de presse de Popovkin à l'occasion du lancement de KazSat-2.

On lira avec intérêt l'intégralité des questions-réponses ici:

On notera en particulier la volonté de transparence et de popularisation des activités spatiales russes. Désormais chaque lancement sera suivi d'une conférence de presse avec les dirigeants des principales entreprises impliquées. Le site de Roscomos va changer. Les gens du service de presse de Roscosmos sont allés étudier les expériences de la NASA dans ce domaine.

Alex Torgashev (the magazine "Russian Reporter") Question of the Information Policy Federal Space Agency. Will something change in the direction of greater promotion of space activities?

VP Personnel changes in the information service Roscosmos just connected with this. Problem and the new head of Press and Press Secretary, and I deliberately threw those two positions, first and foremost, to promote space for more inclusive and simple to the layman.

And, of course, one of the first things - it changes the site Russian Space Agency, in its structure. Now this work is going on. You understand that one day it can be done. Our people are specially went to America, met with NASA, had met with their press office, looking like they have organized sites, as indeed is involved youth. I sent the people and the European Space Agency, in particular in the Netherlands. Test Center looked there. Frankly, I was surprised that the average age of a specialist at the center of 29.5 years.

Right now we are in the UK, opened the monument to Yuri Gagarin. At the same time we have thought the English one experiment. They are asked to conduct an experiment on the ISS, which will go in parallel in all British schools in physics classes. I'm going to meet with our Minister of Education to do the same with us.

There are a number of things here, which attracts young people. I am very concerned as the leader of this problem.

After each run in this building will be a press conference of heads of enterprises, which were responsible for launching and whose payload is returned. We take many measures to collect and deliver to journalists launches. The point is to tell the truth and promote space activities.

D'autres points sont intéressants: Vostochny est considéré comme un cosmodrome expérimental, préparant le futur, et Baïkonour reste incontournable.

On apprend aussi que les journalistes vont être invités à voir de près la fusée Angara et que son premier lancement demeure fixé début 2013.

Enfin on apprend que pour l'instant il y a une close de confidentialité concernant les résultats de l'enquête sur l'échec du second lancement de la fusée sud-coréenne et que la commission indépendante poursuit son travail dont le résultat sera pris en compte pour le rapport final.

Conférence de presse de Popovkin: des changements à Roscosmos IMG_2821

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