ILS: Seliverstov et Nesterov dans le Conseils des directeurs

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Le "board of directors" d'ILS vient d'être renouvelé et comprend maintenant le nouveau Directeur de Khrunitchev, Sliverstov, ainsi que...l'ancien, Nesterov!
ILS connait actuellement des changement de direction, en particulier à la suite d'une affaire de détournement de fonds par d'anciens membres de la direction.

01/12/2013 Alexander Seliverstov headed the board of directors of ILS

The general director of the Khrunichev Center Alexander Seliverstov elected head of the board of directors of International Launch Services (ILS), which provides services to launch spacecraft with "hrunichevskih" rockets "Proton-M", the press service of the company.

In addition, the board of directors entered ILS Vice President of Marketing, Sales and Public Relations Don Harms (Dawn Harms). In addition to them board includes the former head of the Khrunichev Center Vladimir Nesterov, deputy director of the company Sergey Anisimov, and President of ILS Phil Slack (Phil Slack) and Senior Vice President Tom Tschudi (Tom Tshudy), RIA Novosti reported.

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Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 68 Masculin
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