Les plus gros débris retombés sur Terre

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En attendant le tirage de la "loterie" UARS, qui se fait attendre, voici la liste des plus gros débris retombés sur Terre, par rentrée contrôlée ou non: Largest Objects to Reenter
La liste se limite malheureusement à des débris beaucoup plus lourds qu'UARS (15 tonnes ou plus, contre 5,7 tonnes pour UARS, donc forcément on se retrouve avec des objets "hors normes" (Skylab, Salyut, Apollo) mais ça permet quand même une remise en perspective intéressante bien que partielle ( 1 Apollo CSM-BP ~ 3 UARS Les plus gros débris retombés sur Terre Sweat110 et 1 Skylab ~ 12 UARS :affraid: ).
A l'inverse, le doc NASA cité dans le fil sur UARS décrit celui-ci comme un objet "de taille modéré" et indique que la rentrée non contrôlée d'objets plus massiques n'est "pas fréquente, mais pas inhabituelle non plus".

Si l'on se limite aux rentrées non contrôlées de la liste, on a:

ObjectOriginMass (kg)Reentry DateReentry Mode
SkylabUSA69,00011 JUL 1979Uncontrolled
Salyut 7/Cosmos 1686USSR40,00007 FEB 1991Uncontrolled
Cosmos 557USSR19,40022 MAY 1973Uncontrolled
Apollo SA-5 Nose ConeUSA17,10030 APR 1966Uncontrolled
Apollo SA-6 CSM BP-13USA16,90001 JUN 1964Uncontrolled
Apollo SA-7 CSM BP-15USA16,65022 SEP 1964Uncontrolled

Messages : 1076
Inscrit le : 13/11/2005
Age : 56 Masculin
Localisation : 31

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CosmoS a écrit:...

Si l'on se limite aux rentrées non contrôlées de la liste, on a:

ObjectOriginMass (kg)Reentry DateReentry Mode
SkylabUSA69,00011 JUL 1979Uncontrolled
Salyut 7/Cosmos 1686USSR40,00007 FEB 1991Uncontrolled
Cosmos 557USSR19,40022 MAY 1973Uncontrolled
Apollo SA-5 Nose ConeUSA17,10030 APR 1966Uncontrolled
Apollo SA-6 CSM BP-13USA16,90001 JUN 1964Uncontrolled
Apollo SA-7 CSM BP-15USA16,65022 SEP 1964Uncontrolled

Merci CosmoS pour ce rappel intéressant.

Messages : 17255
Inscrit le : 12/04/2006
Age : 82 Masculin
Localisation : Corse du Sud


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il ne faut pas oublier la tragique rentrée "plus ou moins controllée" du Columbia, sur une zone bien peuplée du Texas. Ce qui est très étonnant, vu la taille des débris, c'est que à part les astronautes, il n'y a pas eu de victimes ni de blessés à terre.

Messages : 629
Inscrit le : 10/12/2005
Age : 53 Masculin
Localisation : 43° 35' 53" N 1° 26' 35" E

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en tout cas, il y aura une liste beaucoup plus complète dans le prochain Jonathan's Space Report. vu qu'il n'y a pas encore un lien definitif, je la copie-colle ici

Large Uncontrolled Reentries

Here's a list of big things falling from orbit - excluding
controlled deorbits - in order of mass (my best estimate of mass at reentry time).

Name Reentry date Metric Reentry Location Type of spacecraft

Skylab 1979 Jul 11 76 31.8S 124.4E Australia Space station
Polyus 1987 May 15 70? Pacific Test satellite
Saturn S-II-13 1975 Jan 11 49 34N 19W Atlantic Rocket stage
DOS-6 (Salyut-7/K1686) 1991 Feb 7 40 34.9S 63.8W Argentina Space station
Kosmos-1917/1918/1919 1988 Feb 17 22? Navsats/rocket stage
DOS-3 (Kosmos-557) 1973 May 22 19 Indian Ocean Space station
Almaz OPS-1 (Salyut-2) 1973 May 28 19 Pacific Space station
Apollo BP-15/Saturn SA-7 1964 Sep 22 18 26.4S 69.0E Indian Ocean Dummy spaceship/Rocket stage
3MS 170 (Kosmos-419) 1971 May 12 18? Mars Probe/Rocket stage
Kosmos-154 (L-1) 1967 Apr 19 18? Atlantic Moonship/Rocket stage
Saturn SA-5 1966 Apr 30 17 Brazil Rocket stage/Nosecone
Proton-4 1969 Jul 24 17 Research satellite
Kosmos-305/Blok-D 1969 Oct 22 17? Australia? Moon probe/rocket stage
Blok DM-2 No. 17L 1987 Feb 13 17? Rocket stage
Apollo BP-13/Saturn SA-6 1964 Jun 1 17 13.6N 179E Pacific Dummy spaceship/rocket stage
Proton UR-500 No. 207 1965 Sep 18 13 Rocket stage
Proton UR-500 No. 209 1966 Jan 4 13 Rocket stage
Proton UR-500 No. 212 1966 Aug 21 13 Rocket stage
Saturn S-IVB-204 1968 Jan 23 13 Australia Rocket stage
HS-601 Model/CZ-2E 1990 Oct 1 13? Dummy comms sat/stage
Proton-3 (N-4 No 4) 1966 Sep 16 12 Research satellite
Saturn S-IVB-502 1968 Apr 26 12 Rocket stage
Lunar Module LTA-2R 1968 Sep 3 12 Pacific Dummy spaceship
Saturn S-IVB-205 1968 Oct 18 12 Indian Ocean Rocket stage
Blok-D 1969 Sep 27 11? Rocket stage
Pegasus 1/SA-9 1978 Sep 17 10 7S 15E Angola Rocket stage/science sat
Pegasus 2/SA-8 1979 Nov 3 10 Atlantic Rocket stage/science sat
Pegasus 3/SA-10 1969 Aug 4 10 3.4N 56.7E Indian Ocean Rocket stage/science sat
82LB72 LVI-1 1976 Dec 23 10? Dummy spaceship
82LB72 LVI-3 1978 Mar 23 10? Dummy spaceship
82LB72 LVI-4 1979 Jun 16 10? Dummy spaceship
EPN 3.695 (Kosmos-1871) 1987 Aug 10 10? Dummy spy satellite
EPN 3.695 (Kosmos-1873) 1987 Sep 14 10? Dummy spy satellite

Some of the above list represent rocket stages that got stranded in low orbit
with all their fuel aboard. It's possible that in some cases the fuel got vented before
reentry, in which case the mass would be much less. Kosmos-1917-1918-1919 is
one example. A few examples, like Polyus, were propulsive deorbits done
accidentally, which I count as 'uncontrolled'.

Notorious reentries of smaller satellites

Mars-96 1996 Nov 17 7 Bolivia Mars probe
Kosmos-954 1978 Jan 24 4? (Nuclear reactor) Canada Spy satellite
Kosmos-1402 1983 Jan 23 4 (Nuclear reactor) Indian Ocean Spy satellite
Solar Max 1989 Dec 2 2 Indian Ocean Astronomy sat
CORONA 1014 1964 Dec 6 2 Venezuela Spy satellite
USA 193 2008 Feb 21 2 (destroyed by ASAT to prevent reentry)

Large controlled destructive reentries
Add to this list: 134 Shuttle External Tanks, 30t each
60 Ariane EPC stages, 12 to 14t each
2 Energiya core stages, 80? t each
which completed less than 1 complete orbit.

Mir 2001 Mar 23 120 Pacific Space station
Columbia (STS-107) 2003 Feb 1 106 Texas Spaceship
Salyut-6/Kosmos-1267 1982 Jul 29 35 Pacific Space station
Saturn S-IVB-501/LTA-10R 1967 Nov 9 30? W Pacific Rocket stage/dummy spaceship
Salyut-5 1977 Aug 8 19 Pacific Space station
Salyut-1 1971 Oct 11 19 Pacific Space station
Salyut-3 1975 Jan 24 19 Pacific Space station
Salyut-4 1977 Feb 2 19 Pacific Space station
ATV Jules Verne 2008 Sep 29 19? Pacific Cargo ship
ATV Johannes Kepler 2011 Jun 21 19? Pacific Cargo ship
Kosmos-1870 (Mech-K) 1989 Jul 29 18? Pacific Radar satellite
Almaz-1 (Mech-KU) 1992 Oct 17 18? Pacific Radar satellite
HTV-1 2009 Nov 1 16? Pacific Cargo ship
HTV-2 2011 Mar 30 16? Pacific Cargo ship
Kosmos-929 (TKS) 1978 Feb 2 15 Pacific Cargo ship
Kosmos-1443 1983 Sep 19 15 Pacific Cargo ship
GRO 2000 Jun 4 15 Pacific Astronomy sat
LACROSSE 1 1997 Mar 25 14? Pacific? Spy satellite
LACROSSE 2 2011 Mar 26? 14? Pacific? Spy satellite
Saturn S-IVB-206 1973 May 25 14 31N 176W Pacific Rocket stage
Saturn S-IVB-207 1973 Jul 28 14 22N 177W Pacific Rocket stage
Saturn S-IVB-208 1973 Nov 16 14? 26N 170W Pacific Rocket stage
Saturn S-IVB-210 1975 Jul 16 14? 13N 177W Pacific Rocket stage
KH11-1 1979 Jan 28 13? Pacific? Spy satellite
KH11-2 1981 Aug 23 13? Pacific? Spy satellite
KH11-3 1982 Oct 30 13? Pacific? Spy satellite
KH11-4 1984 Nov 23 13? Pacific? Spy satellite
KH11-5 1985 Aug 13 13? Pacific? Spy satellite
CRYSTAL (USA 6) 1994 Oct 20 13? Pacific? Spy satellite
CRYSTAL (USA 27) 1992 Jun? 13? Pacific? Spy satellite
CRYSTAL (USA 33) 1996 May 13? Pacific? Spy satellite
CRYSTAL (USA 86) 2000 Jun 5 13? Pacific? Spy satellite
CRYSTAL (USA 116) 2008 Nov 18 13? Pacific? Spy satellite

Large sats blown up before reentry
Saturn S-IVB-203/AS-203 1966 Jul 15 15? Pieces found in Peru and Africa

Large sats with controlled landings
133 Space Shuttle flights 1981-2011 90-110
Buran OK-1K 1988 Nov 15 79

Large stuff still in orbit
International Space Station 410 +
LACROSSE (USA 133) - 15?
LACROSSE (USA 152) - 15?
LACROSSE (USA 182) - 15?
CRYSTAL (USA 129) - 14?
CRYSTAL (USA 161) - 14?
CRYSTAL (USA 186) - 14?
CRYSTAL (USA 224) - 14?
Hubble Space Telescope - 11

Messages : 629
Inscrit le : 10/12/2005
Age : 53 Masculin
Localisation : 43° 35' 53" N 1° 26' 35" E

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