Lancement Soyouz-U / Progress M-14M - 25 janvier 2012

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En tout cas cette réussite fait plaisir ...comme quoi un échec de temps à autre remet les choses en place et nous fait comprendre qu'il faut faire attention à la routine qui peut nous endormir !

PS: je ne fais allusion évidemment qu'aux missions automatisées ... car pour les autres la vigilance s’impose constamment.


Messages : 12791
Inscrit le : 15/04/2006

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Le découplage de l'ISS du progress M-14M va avoir lieu le 19 avril puis sa rentrée atmosphérique aura lieu le 28 avril. Dans ce laps de temps, pour la cinquième fois, sera menée l'expérience Radar-Progress qui consiste a mesurer les variations de la densité ionique et électronique dues au fonctionnement des moteurs de l'engin. Les mesures se feront depuis le radar d'Irkousk.

23.03.2012 / 13:37 "Progress M-14M" will participate in an experiment, "Radar-Progress"

Russian space cargo ship "Progress M-14M" after undocking from the International Space Station (ISS), scheduled for April 19, before he would participate in the flooding experiment, "Radar-Progress," the representative told RIA Novosti the Mission Control Center near Moscow (MCC).
"Undocking of" Progress M-14M "from the ISS is scheduled for April 19, the reduction of the ship out of orbit and its sinking is scheduled for April 28. After undock, and to the truck from orbit, he will participate in the experiment," Radar-Progress "- a spokesman said .
According to him, this experiment will be carried out for the fifth time. Earlier in the "Progress" in front of the flooding were also conducted, and other geophysical experiments, in particular, "Reflection."
MCC representative recalled that the experiment "Radar-Progress" aimed at determining the spatial time-dependence of the density, temperature, ionic composition of local inhomogeneities of the ionosphere, resulting from the ship's engines "Progress".
Location ejected engines during the experiments, "Radar-Progress", which were performed earlier, was made ​​by means of a unique located near Irkutsk Incoherent Scatter Radar (HP). With it you can get information about the electron density, electron and ion temperature, ion composition and the drift velocity in the altitude range from 100 to 1000 kilometers

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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Nous sommes le samedi 28 Avril 2012. Ce midi (à 10h33 GMT précise) Progress M14M a exécuté son (déorbit-burn) après avoir accompli 9 jours de vol autonome (en raison de Radar-Progress Experiment). Peu de temps après, les débris du vaisseau sont tombés en plein océan Pacifique.

Messages : 17121
Inscrit le : 05/04/2009
Age : 43 Masculin
Localisation : R.P

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Info intéressante: le Progress M-14M a testé durant son séjour dans l'espace le nouveau système de transmission digital des données qui va équiper Soyouz et Progress d'ici 2013/2014. Cela va permettre d'échanger des images télé dans les 2 sens (et non pas seulement dans le sens descendant).

"Progress" before his death he sent SMS

St. Petersburg Institute of Television spent on a cargo spacecraft (SC) "Progress M-14M", undocked from the ISS on April 19, testing a digital communication system that will allow astronauts to send short messages in SMS, and FSUE TsNIIMash and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS ) - the fifth stage of the experiment, "Radar-Progress." April 28 was reduced to a satellite orbit and sunk in the Pacific.

The new communications system will also help to get from space high-definition video.

"It's time to switch to digital transmission. As a result, our astronauts are completely new quality of the system generation and transmission of information. Technically it can save frequency resource and, most importantly - significantly improves the functionality of the equipment: through this channel can be transmitted not only television video information, but also audio, telemetry, and all the necessary information until the SMS », - said General Director of JSC" Research Institute of Television "Alexander Umbitaliev.

Some experts said that during the joint flight, docked to the International Space Station cargo spacecraft were tested digital equipment relay information "Tit" astronauts. Further, "Tit" nine days after separating worked in orbit in standalone mode.

"In" Progress M-14M "was the development of our digital transmitter. Before dumping the ship on a few turns it was on and we checked the whole tract of Land Information Transmission ", - told the Institute.

The receiving station was part of tract "Orion", which is located at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Ground station worked during the passage of a ship on it. The transition to digital television equipment will organize a two-way channel of communication, because now the video information comes only in one direction - to the Earth.

Serial production of digital transmitters will begin after successful completion of flight tests, "Tits", and by the end of 2013 NII TV upgrades to receive data in a new format of the existing and build new receiving stations, to ensure receipt of information from the spacecraft on the entire route, which runs over the territory Russia.

The "Radar-Progress" with the participation of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS was directed to determine the spatial and temporal dependence of the density, temperature, ionic composition of local inhomogeneities of the ionosphere, resulting from the ship's engines "Progress". "Location is ejected engines during the experiments," Radar-Progress "was performed by using a unique located near Irkutsk Incoherent Scatter Radar (HP)," - specified in the RAS. With this radar can receive information about the electron density, electron and ion temperature, ion composition and the drift velocity in the altitude range from 100 to 1000 kilometers. The obtained experimental data are the basis for research on solar-terrestrial physics, including the major international projects Global Change, CEDAR, STEP.

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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Ces améliorations des vaisseaux existants, rendent de plus en plus plausible un délai rallongé pour la relève par la nouvelle capsule PTS et son lanceur l'Angara 3-cores.
A moins qu'ils ne testent ces nouveautés pour qu'elles soient transférables aisément dans les nouveaux modèles ?

Messages : 20959
Inscrit le : 01/10/2005
Age : 73 Masculin
Localisation : région lyonnaise

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montmein69 a écrit:Ces améliorations des vaisseaux existants, rendent de plus en plus plausible un délai rallongé pour la relève par la nouvelle capsule PTS et son lanceur l'Angara 3-cores.
A moins qu'ils ne testent ces nouveautés pour qu'elles soient transférables aisément dans les nouveaux modèles ?

C'est une constante pour les russes de moderniser leurs vaisseaux système par système. Et oui tu as raison, Montmein69, tous ces nouveaux systèmes seront repris sur le futur PTS. Ils auront donc été testés en vol, ce qui limitera les mauvaises surprises et, on l'espère, les déboires le splus graves.

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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