SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe

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SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe Empty SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe

Message Mar 6 Mar 2012 - 23:48

Les russes aussi développe un "androïde" qui répond au doux nom de SAR-400 et qui devrait être envoyé à bord de l'ISS d'ici 2014. Il a déjà été testé à la cité des étoiles en novembre 2011.



Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe Empty Robot russe SAR-400

Message Mer 21 Mar 2012 - 8:55

L'équivalent russe du Robonaut sera bientôt envoyé sur l'ISS. Une petite vidéo ici :

Kosmonavtika - Le site de l'Espace russe

Messages : 11216
Inscrit le : 15/05/2006
Age : 39 Masculin
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SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe Empty Re: SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe

Message Lun 30 Sep 2013 - 23:43

Une nouvelle version du robot "anthropomorphique" est sortie et vient d'être testée: SAR-401

On notera que ce robot est vraiment conçu pour l'espace: il ne possède pas de jambes. Eh oui, quel intérêt dans l'espace?!

The astronauts tested the anthropomorphic robot
| In the CPC
September 27, 2013

In September at the Cosmonaut Training Center Yuri Gagarin performed experimental studies of advanced anthropomorphic robot SAR-401, developed by NPO "android technology" and its interactive virtual three-dimensional model.

The purpose of the work performed by order of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering is the study of the possibility of the on-board flight operations using the robot remotely controlled by a human operator in the so-called a copying mode. The principle of control a humanoid robot in a copying mode is based on the repetition of their movements of the human operator, which are set by a special costume that is worn on the person, and transmitted to the robot via a special hardware-software interface. As a result of such management has perspectives of operations in space (or depressurized compartment) astronaut, located in a sealed compartment of the station, or the operator of the Mission Control Center. To achieve such capabilities, it is necessary to create a robot to adapt its characteristics under performed their flight operations.

To reduce the cost of building a robot designed for experimental development of its virtual interactive three-dimensional model. You can use it to work out flight operations without the use of a robot and set reasonable performance requirements generated by the robot. With this purpose, and intervention studies anthropomorphic robot SAR-401 and its interactive virtual three-dimensional model.

In experimental studies, participated cosmonauts Mikhail Tyurin , Oleg Skripochka , Anton Shkaplerov , Oleg Novitsky and experts Cosmonaut Training Center, TsNIIMash, NGO "android technology," Research Institute for System Studies of RAS.
Source: Scientific management of the CPC, the press service of the CPC, the CPC photo of scientific management
SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe Irodov_zaizev

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe Empty Re: SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe

Message Sam 22 Mar 2014 - 12:10

Je viens de trouver cette sympathique illustration :

SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe Sans_t16

Kosmonavtika - Le site de l'Espace russe

Messages : 11216
Inscrit le : 15/05/2006
Age : 39 Masculin
Localisation : Loiret

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SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe Empty Re: SAR-400 le robot/cosmonaute russe

Message Sam 22 Mar 2014 - 17:02

Et comme disent les russes "les jambes dans l'espace c'est presque inutile"...

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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