Les projets russes vers l'astéroïde Apophis
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La RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences ou RAN en russe) semble très favorable à l'envoi d'une mission vers Apophis. Cette mission ressemblerait à celle (ratée) Phobos-grunt dont l'un des buts serait de mettre un petit satellite en orbite d'Apophis. Un autre but viserait à déposer un engin sur Apophis pour des études physiques. Et globalement il s'agirait avec la présence d'un émetteur radio de longue durée d'améliorer la connaissance de l'orbite d'Apophis pour savoir si l'objet en 2036 serait capable d'heurter la Terre...
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- 04.08.2012 / 00:05 Russian scientists want to "donate" Apophis satellite
Russian scientists plan to send 2020 to the asteroid Apophis automated research station, which would leave next to a satellite-beacon, which will accurately determine the orbit of the asteroid and figure out how big a threat to its collision with Earth.
These plans are contained in the draft program of studies the solar system until 2025, prepared by scientists of the RAS.
In a document available to the RIA Novosti noted that the 300-meter asteroid Apophis (2004 MN4) attracted the most attention, as is currently the most serious threat to the well-known space of the Earth. In 2029, this body will take place on the planet at a distance of only about 36,000 miles - at the height of the orbits of geostationary satellites. Caught in the immediate vicinity of the Earth, Apophis could change its orbit so that the next approximation to the planet in 2036 could face her.
"Projects of space mission to the asteroid Apophis discussed in the United States and the European Union. Russia might take the lead in this direction space exploration, if the national development of space research will be included (and implemented until 2020) the launch of a special spacecraft to the asteroid Apophis "- the document says.
operations during the mission "Apophis" in many ways similar to those that are planned to perform in the "Phobos-Grunt." Therefore, scientists are planning for the spacecraft design of the probe unit of the "Phobos-Grunt."
The main objective of the mission will be a substantial (100 to 10,000 times) clarify the trajectory of Apophis in the period up to 2036. For this orbit an artificial satellite of an asteroid is scheduled to small spacecraft with an autonomous radio beacon and a minimum of auxiliary equipment which reduces to a radioisotope power source with a buffer battery.
This satellite will take on board the "Apophis" space capsule, which was meant for "Phobos."
Scientific Program mission also includes the study of the physicochemical characteristics of the asteroid, the properties of its regolith, internal structure, the surrounding space. It is also planned landing on the asteroid surface.
currently has formulated scientific objectives of the mission, calculated the orbit of the machine.
"mission to Apophis would be prepared on the basis of the previous work, created during the preparation of the spacecraft" Phobos-Grunt. "Moreover, the creation and implementation of mission to Apophis can be preceded by a more complex mission to Phobos, allowing you to work out a few important stages of the expedition to Phobos, "- the document says.
"From a technical point of view, the mission may be realizable, since 2015," - noted in the project.
Inutile.patchfree a écrit:Et globalement il s'agirait avec la présence d'un émetteur radio de longue durée d'améliorer la connaissance de l'orbite d'Apophis pour savoir si l'objet en 2036 serait capable d'heurter la Terre...
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Inscrit le : 03/12/2010
Age : 51
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