Une sonde vers le soleil
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Les russes vont développer une sonde (en deux exemplaires semble-t-il) qui sera envoyée vers le soleil mais aussi hors du plan de l'écliptique ce qui permettra de "voir" les pôles du soleil (oui ça fait bizarre de parler des pôles du soleil)... lancement en 2015. Du point de vue technique: protection en matériaux composites et moteurs électriques.
14.05.2013 Federal Space Agency announced a competition for the creation of a complex study of the Sun
Roskosmos has announced a competition to create the space segment for solar research, the contract is worth 915 million rubles, to the materials on the site procurement.
Performance time since the conclusion of the contract - to 25 November 2015. The deadline for applications to participate in the competition - from May 13 to June 18 of this year, the applications - June 20, results of the contest - June 25.
Earlier Scientific Technical Council (STC) Russian Space Agency approved the preliminary design of the solar observatory "Intergeliozond" and instructed to consider the establishment of not one but two such devices for enhancing the scientific program and increase the reliability of the mission. At the moment, the Federal Space Program provides for the establishment of only one device "Intergeliozond."
Apparatus "Intergeliozond" which is scheduled for launch in 2015, is designed to study solar-terrestrial relationships. This probe, making multiple gravitational maneuvers near Venus will gradually approach the Sun and on the way to perform multiple measurements on the line "The sun - the Earth." This mission will allow scientists to study the close atmosphere of the sun, take measurements from outside the ecliptic plane in which the Earth's orbit. In particular, the unit will be able to "see" the polar regions of the Sun, to investigate outbreaks and other active processes.
Engineers Lavochkin, where the project was created, intended to be used on the unit electric propulsion system, which will allow him to cover a large distance from the Earth and reach the vicinity of the Sun. Screen to protect the probe against heat of the sun will be created from carbon composite materials. In addition, since the machine will operate at high temperatures, developed special solar panel with forced cooling, RIA Novosti reported.
"Ulysse" en quelque sorte ?
spaceX- Messages : 490
Inscrit le : 24/10/2009
Age : 65
Localisation : LILLE
Seulement 2 ans entre la décision et le lancement. Ambitieux...
lambda0- Messages : 4876
Inscrit le : 22/09/2005
Age : 57
Localisation : Nord, France
ah... c'était une belle mission ( 1994 - 2009 )spaceX a écrit:"Ulysse" en quelque sorte ?
elle avait fait deux passages au-dessus des pôles.
cosmos99- Messages : 1477
Inscrit le : 23/06/2007
Age : 52
Localisation : Normandie, St-Lô
take measurements from outside the ecliptic plane in which the Earth's orbit. In particular, the unit will be able to "see" the polar regions of the Sun, to investigate outbreaks and other active processes.
Mieux connaitre (en complétant les données déjà recueillies) le fonctionnement du Soleil, le vent solaire, etc .... sera d'un grand inétrêt à la fois pour mieux préserver l'environnement terrestre (par exemple les satellites en GEO), mais avec le profil de déplacement en 3D de tous ces éjectats on pourra mieux calibrer les protections de sonde ou de vaisseaux habités qui affronteraient ce milieu loin de la magnétosphère de la Terre.
montmein69- Donateur
- Messages : 20959
Inscrit le : 01/10/2005
Age : 73
Localisation : région lyonnaise
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