Les projets russes en quelques paragraphes
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Pour ceux qui s'intéressent de près à l'espace russe, voici ci-dessous le discours de Medvedchikov à l'IAC2008.
Je ne traduis pas car tout est déjà connu. Par contre pour ceux qui voudraient se remettre en mémoire les projets russes ils retrouveront à peu près tout dans ce texte, de l'ISS au futur vaisseau spatial, en passant par le nouveau cosmodrome et la fusée Angara, sans oublier les satellites scientifiques, le sprojets de sonde marsienne, etc...
Ceux qui pensent trop facilement que les russes font des annonces sans suite devraient garder ce texte dans leurs fichiers, car depuis quelques temps maintenant (argent du pétrole aidant) les projets russes s'affirment avec un programme bien défini dans le temps.
Speech of Mr. A. I. Medvedchikov,
Deputy Administrator of the Russian Federal Space Agency, at Plenary
Event 1 for the Heads of Agencies at IAC-2008, Glasgow, Scotland
This year the Security Counsel of the Russian Federation approved
«Backgrounds of the Russian policy in space up to 2020 and beyond».
This document makes as move towards new ambitious space projects, such
as development and design of a new advanced crew space transportation
system, and, as a goal, exploration system for Moon, Mars and other
planets and objects in the Universe.
Following the decision of the President of the Russian Federation, we
commenced a prominent project, which is deployment of a new space port
in the Eastern area of our country. In mid July, Federal Space Agency
Board approved system design of the new space port, thus laying the
basis for the system documentation to be generated further. The space
port to be built will define the image of the Russian space activities
for many decades, and will serve to accomplish a set of R&D and
economical tasks. Selection of an optimal launcher and definition of
the technical parameters for the new crew vehicle are among these tasks.
In order to extend Russian orbital Earth remote sensing constellation,
basic scope of work regarding Kanopus-B manufacturing (the satellite
uses Surrey-produced platform), Meteor-M, Electro-L, was done. Launch
and commissioning of these satellites will provide the meteorological
services with the necessary data, and will support immediate detection
of the catastrophic hazards and emergencies, and timely cautioning
about the forest fires.
As for the crew space flight program, we continue regular Soyuz TMA and
Progress missions to the International Space Station, as well as
development of new modules for the ISS RS.
In addition, we have been evolving the ground test facilities. We
performed component tests for the Angara launcher, including firing
tests for its engines, and flight tests of Soyuz-2 launcher. We have
been developing new upper stages and transport modules. At Baikonur
space port, we continued modifying launch and engineering facilities
for Proton, Soyuz, Zenith-M, Cyclon launchers.
Russian scientists continue their work under the fundamental space
research program. This includes the operations with Konus-A equipment
(gamma-spike spectrometer) installed on-board the US Wind; scientific
facility Rim-Pamela (magnetic spectrometer for electrons, protons, and
antiparticles) installed on Resurs-DK; planet atmosphere research
equipment (OMEGA and SPIKA-M on-board the European Mars-Express, and
PFS and SPIKA-B on-board the European Venus-Express).
We completed the major activities regarding manufacturing of the
astrophysical observatory Spektr-RG. We nearly completed the work with
Koronas- Photon scientific and research system. We actively develop
Phobos- Grunt interplanetary station.
Budget extension for the Global Navigation System Federal Program has
been confirmed. Thus, by 2011, we will be able to enlarge the orbital
constellation to the nominal number of 30 satellites. For this purpose,
we kept the launch rate in 2008 at the level of 6 satellites per year,
with the goal to make the satellite navigation system really global.
It is worth mentioning that our system provides better coverage in
near-polar zones, and this is very important for developing natural
deposits and to begin extracting carbohydrates in the shelves of the
Northern seas.
ISS remains the greatest project. Russia is actively involved in the
station assembly and operations. We support the proposal about
extending ISS life beyond 2015.
We continue our activities under the `Soyuz in Guiana Space Center`
project. Legislative basis has been already founded, mounting and
integration operations are in progress. The first Soyuz-ST launch is
planned for the next year.
Je ne traduis pas car tout est déjà connu. Par contre pour ceux qui voudraient se remettre en mémoire les projets russes ils retrouveront à peu près tout dans ce texte, de l'ISS au futur vaisseau spatial, en passant par le nouveau cosmodrome et la fusée Angara, sans oublier les satellites scientifiques, le sprojets de sonde marsienne, etc...
Ceux qui pensent trop facilement que les russes font des annonces sans suite devraient garder ce texte dans leurs fichiers, car depuis quelques temps maintenant (argent du pétrole aidant) les projets russes s'affirment avec un programme bien défini dans le temps.
Speech of Mr. A. I. Medvedchikov,
Deputy Administrator of the Russian Federal Space Agency, at Plenary
Event 1 for the Heads of Agencies at IAC-2008, Glasgow, Scotland
This year the Security Counsel of the Russian Federation approved
«Backgrounds of the Russian policy in space up to 2020 and beyond».
This document makes as move towards new ambitious space projects, such
as development and design of a new advanced crew space transportation
system, and, as a goal, exploration system for Moon, Mars and other
planets and objects in the Universe.
Following the decision of the President of the Russian Federation, we
commenced a prominent project, which is deployment of a new space port
in the Eastern area of our country. In mid July, Federal Space Agency
Board approved system design of the new space port, thus laying the
basis for the system documentation to be generated further. The space
port to be built will define the image of the Russian space activities
for many decades, and will serve to accomplish a set of R&D and
economical tasks. Selection of an optimal launcher and definition of
the technical parameters for the new crew vehicle are among these tasks.
In order to extend Russian orbital Earth remote sensing constellation,
basic scope of work regarding Kanopus-B manufacturing (the satellite
uses Surrey-produced platform), Meteor-M, Electro-L, was done. Launch
and commissioning of these satellites will provide the meteorological
services with the necessary data, and will support immediate detection
of the catastrophic hazards and emergencies, and timely cautioning
about the forest fires.
As for the crew space flight program, we continue regular Soyuz TMA and
Progress missions to the International Space Station, as well as
development of new modules for the ISS RS.
In addition, we have been evolving the ground test facilities. We
performed component tests for the Angara launcher, including firing
tests for its engines, and flight tests of Soyuz-2 launcher. We have
been developing new upper stages and transport modules. At Baikonur
space port, we continued modifying launch and engineering facilities
for Proton, Soyuz, Zenith-M, Cyclon launchers.
Russian scientists continue their work under the fundamental space
research program. This includes the operations with Konus-A equipment
(gamma-spike spectrometer) installed on-board the US Wind; scientific
facility Rim-Pamela (magnetic spectrometer for electrons, protons, and
antiparticles) installed on Resurs-DK; planet atmosphere research
equipment (OMEGA and SPIKA-M on-board the European Mars-Express, and
PFS and SPIKA-B on-board the European Venus-Express).
We completed the major activities regarding manufacturing of the
astrophysical observatory Spektr-RG. We nearly completed the work with
Koronas- Photon scientific and research system. We actively develop
Phobos- Grunt interplanetary station.
Budget extension for the Global Navigation System Federal Program has
been confirmed. Thus, by 2011, we will be able to enlarge the orbital
constellation to the nominal number of 30 satellites. For this purpose,
we kept the launch rate in 2008 at the level of 6 satellites per year,
with the goal to make the satellite navigation system really global.
It is worth mentioning that our system provides better coverage in
near-polar zones, and this is very important for developing natural
deposits and to begin extracting carbohydrates in the shelves of the
Northern seas.
ISS remains the greatest project. Russia is actively involved in the
station assembly and operations. We support the proposal about
extending ISS life beyond 2015.
We continue our activities under the `Soyuz in Guiana Space Center`
project. Legislative basis has been already founded, mounting and
integration operations are in progress. The first Soyuz-ST launch is
planned for the next year.
patchfree a écrit:
Ceux qui pensent trop facilement que les russes font des annonces sans suite devraient garder ce texte dans leurs fichiers, car depuis quelques temps maintenant (argent du pétrole aidant) les projets russes s'affirment avec un programme bien défini dans le temps.
Le plan est effectivement cohérent ... mais malgré un calendrier annoncé .... ce qui reste en suspens .. ce sont les dates effectives de réalisation.
Le contexte économique va t'il rester aussi favorable ? (notamment le cataclysme bancaire ... qui n'est pas prêt de trouver une solution ... et de toute façon va impacter profondément l'économie mondiale ... va t'il épargner la russie ? )
La solution des problèmes techniques respectera t'elle le calendrier ? (les lanceurs Angara ... sont encore à construire, à tester, à qualifier)
et il reste aussi la croisée des chemins pour la nouvelle capsule .... les russes vont-il s'accrocher à la possible coopération européenne ? vont-ils chercher d'autres partenaires (Inde ?) vont-ils faire cela seuls ? et quels seront les délais effectifs pour décider le remplacement des capsules Soyouz ?
montmein69- Donateur
- Messages : 20958
Inscrit le : 01/10/2005
Age : 73
Localisation : région lyonnaise
La date annoncée pour le remplacement des soyouz c'est 2018. Mais d'ici là bien sûr les délais peuvent changer, surtout dans le domaine spatial où les retard se comptent par années, parfois plus. Angara était prévue dans les années 90. Elle volera en 2011 seulement. Certe, à cette époque la Russie était sans le sous. Maintenant les choses sont quand même un peu meilleurs pour eux.
:?: Si les russes remplacent les Soyouz par les Angara en 2018, vont-il néanmoins continuer à fournir des Soyouz pour la Guyane?
DeepField- Messages : 1023
Inscrit le : 13/05/2008
Age : 33
Localisation : Colombes (92)
DeepField a écrit::?: Si les russes remplacent les Soyouz par les Angara en 2018, vont-il néanmoins continuer à fournir des Soyouz pour la Guyane?
J'aurai dû préciser: les soyouz pas les lance-soyouz! la fusée soyouz ne sera pas retirée du service, mais au contraire elle devrait connaître de nouvelles évolutions.
Je parlais du vaisseau soyouz qui devrait être remplacé par l'ACTS (Advanced Crew Transportation System) d'ici 10 ans.
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