Dialogue Russo-Européen: 4ème réunion

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The Forth Meeting of the Russian-EU Space Cooperation Dialogue Control Board Will Take Place in Moscow
On March 17-18 an international workshop devoted to Russian-European cooperation in space exploration (www.space-conference-moscow.eu) and a meeting of the Russian-EU Space Cooperation Dialogue Control Board will be held in Moscow.
VIP-guests will be hosted by Anatoly Perminov, Roscosmos Head. H. Zurek, Head of the Industry and Business General Directorate of the European Union, will represent the EU. European Space Agency representative is ESA DG Jean- Jaques Dordain.
The workshop will be attended by the representatives of the Russian Federal Space Agency, EU Comission, ESA and Russian and European industry.
The workshop will be opened by a plenary meeting. Both parties will show thier presentations on the bilateral cooperation in space. European party will also prsent the opportunities of the 7-th EU frame program. Several sections on different topics are planned in the framework of the workshop.
The Russian-European working groups will present their conclusions and plans to Mr. Perminov, Mr. Zurek and Mr. Dordain on March 18, during the Russian-EU Space Cooperation Dialogue Control Board meeting. Joint statement is to be signed as a result of the meeting.
A press-conference is to take place in Roscosmos on March 18.
Mass media can be accredited at the press-conference through Roscosmos Press Office. The accreditation will be conducted until 4pm March 16.


Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers


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Sait-on sur quels "domaines de coopération" les bilans d'études préliminaires et perspectives d'avenir seront étudiées ?

J-J Dordain et l'ESA ont un cahier de route étroitement balisé au niveau des priorités, suite à la ministérielle de novembre.

Messages : 20959
Inscrit le : 01/10/2005
Age : 73 Masculin
Localisation : région lyonnaise

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