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    Les projets russes vers Mercure


    Messages : 6152
    Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
    Age : 69 Masculin
    Localisation : Poitiers

    Les projets russes vers Mercure Empty Les projets russes vers Mercure

    Message  patchfree Dim 8 Avr 2012 - 23:33

    La RAS (Académie des Sciences Russe) a aussi étudié les projets à destination de Mercure. Les projets tels Mercure-P ne paraissent pas réalisables avant une vingtaine d'année. Les scientifiques russes devront d'ici là compter sur leurs instruments qui seront embarqués sur la sonde européenne BepiColombo.

    device "Mercury-P", which was previously scheduled to start in 2019, can not start earlier than 20 years. This Russian probe is scheduled to become the first in the history of the spacecraft, landed on the surface of this planet.
    To date, the Russian experts held a preliminary examination of the project, created the concept of lander and the composition of scientific instruments. "The implementation of the expedition to Mercury will be at the end of the next decade" - the document says.
    However, the Russian instruments to go aboard the Mercury European unit BepiColombo, which is scheduled to start at the end of 2014, RIA Novosti reports.

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