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    Lancement et construction - Contrats 2013


    Messages : 6152
    Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
    Age : 69 Masculin
    Localisation : Poitiers

    Lancement et construction - Contrats 2013 Empty Lancement et construction - Contrats 2013

    Message  patchfree Dim 31 Mar 2013 - 20:07

    Intelsat a sélectionné Proton/Briz-M pour deux nouveaux lancements de satellites mais on ne connait pas les dates de lancement ni les caractéristiques des satellites.

    3/28/2013 Intelsat launch two satellites with rockets "Proton"

    Satellite company Intelsat has signed with International Launch Services (ILS) contract for two satellite launch by a Russian carrier rocket "Proton-M", said ILS.

    "We selected the ILS for two future satellite launches, which will allow us to expand (service area) in the developing regions of the world to meet the growing demand for high quality services", - said the director of Intelsat Technology Gillemin Thierry (Thierry Guillemin).

    The report does not specify the launch date and output characteristics of satellites, according to RIA Novosti.


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