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    Astronaut plans space travel lottery


    Messages : 2650
    Inscrit le : 02/12/2005
    Age : 62 Masculin
    Localisation : Loir et Cher

    Astronaut plans space travel lottery Empty Astronaut plans space travel lottery

    Message  zx Mer 18 Avr 2007 - 22:38

    Source :


    Article :

    NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, announced plans Tuesday for a lottery which would send its winner into space in a bid to spread the dream of extraterrestrial travel beyond the super-wealthy.

    Aldrin, who followed U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong onto the moon in July 1969, said the lottery would be run through his ShareSpace Foundation, which he set up to promote interest in science and space travel in schools.

    Details of the competition are still sketchy, Aldrin said at a space investment conference on Wall Street Tuesday, with the legal status of selling lottery tickets still to be resolved.

    He said the idea was to offer the top prize of a flight into Earth's orbit, but it was not yet decided on what spacecraft.

    Aldrin added that the winner would have to be over 18 years old and in good physical condition. The prize would not be transferable or salable on eBay.

    Messages : 1848
    Inscrit le : 13/10/2005
    Age : 47 Masculin
    Localisation : Belgique - Hainaut

    Astronaut plans space travel lottery Empty Re: Astronaut plans space travel lottery

    Message  doublemexpress Jeu 19 Avr 2007 - 8:51

    Et le gagnant partira pas faute de pouvoir les taxes sur ses gains :( :( :(

    Astronaut plans space travel lottery Empty Re: Astronaut plans space travel lottery

    Message  Invité Jeu 19 Avr 2007 - 18:24

    Attention la rubrique Hors Sujet est dédié à ce qui est vraiment hors-sujet !
    Il y a les rubriques actu/autres, exploration/divers, technique/autres qui permettent d'y placer les sujets ayant un lien avec le spatial.

    -> déplacé

      La date/heure actuelle est Dim 2 Juin 2024 - 22:53