Bouffée d'activité du Soleil...

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Alors qu'il est "censé" être en plein repos notre étoile décide de se manifester en éjectant un intense flot de particule vers l'ISS...à à écouter...:

RADIO-ACTIVE SUNSPOT: "After a long quiet spell, the sun is making noise again," reports Thomas Ashcraft of New Mexico. On May 15th, using a 21 MHz ham rig, he recorded the roaring sounds of a Type III solar radio burst: listen.

A broadband radio telescope at the University of Florida Radio Observatory detected the same burst. This plot shows how energy was spread across the shortwave spectrum:

The source of the activity was young, growing sunspot 956. A C1-class solar flare at the sunspot sent electrons racing outward throught the sun's atmosphere. These electrons excited plasma oscillations and radio waves strong enough to hear in ham loudspeakers on Earth.

Sunspot 956 is crackling with small solar flares and may produce more radio bursting in the days ahead. Stay tuned

Et explication de ce que l'on entend:

Pas très bon pour les astronautes dans l'ISS


Messages : 1007
Inscrit le : 25/02/2006
Age : 56 Masculin
Localisation : Région Parisenne

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