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    beagle - Space technology to hunt down TB (tuberculose)


    Messages : 2650
    Inscrit le : 02/12/2005
    Age : 62 Masculin
    Localisation : Loir et Cher

    beagle - Space technology to hunt down TB (tuberculose) Empty beagle - Space technology to hunt down TB (tuberculose)

    Message  zx Jeu 4 Oct 2007 - 20:00


    Une universite veut reutiliser un equipement de beagle 2 pour detecter
    la turberculose (TB) dans les pays sous developpés.

    A device developed for a mission to Mars could help spot signs of life closer to home - by spotting the bacterium that causes TB.
    The Open University and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine project will use a tiny detection kit made for the Beagle 2 project.

    The gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GC-MS) can pick out the unique chemical fingerprint of TB.

    An expert hoped it would boost the poor diagnosis rate in developing countries.

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