Anniversaire de Mikhaïl Kalachnikov

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C'était passé inaperçu, mais le 12 octobre Souraïev et Romanenko ont souhaité son 90ème anniversaire à l'inventeur du fusil d'assaut le plus célèbre du monde !

In your distant and half-starved childhood, you were using birchbark notebooks for your studies in school. In your youth, you were defending the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, and then you invested all your knowledge, combat experience and life’s wisdom into creating the world's best firearms – the submachine gun that was named after you. Today, It is difficult to count how many modifications have been based on your submachine gun АК-47 that became the best submachine gun in the USSR, and then in the modern Russia, turning into the guarantor of freedom and independence of many countries in the world. Your name, dear Mikhail Timofeyevich, along with the name of the first cosmonaut on the planet, Yuriy Alekseyevich Gagarin, became the symbol of our country in the 20th century…

J'aime particulièrement ce passage :

Votre nom, cher Mikhaïl Timofieïevitch, ainsi que le nom du premier cosmonaute du monde, Youri Alekseïevitch Gagarine, est devenu le symbole de notre pays au 20ème siècle...

Kosmonavtika - Le site de l'Espace russe

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Inscrit le : 15/05/2006
Age : 38 Masculin
Localisation : Loiret

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