L'interview de Kiriline
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Alexandre Kiriline a donné une interview dans laquelle il fait le point sur les développements en cours au TsSKB Progress. On y apprend que la fusée Soyouz devrait continuer d'évoluer indépendamment de la création de la Rus-M (ce sont des fusées d'un niveau différent, Soyouz jusqu'à 18 T, Rus-M à partir de 23T et jusqu'à 100 T). Que le passage à la Soyouz 2 pour les vols habités se fera très progressivement et que la modernisation du pad "Gagarine" à cet effet est à l'étude et le financement en cours de recherche. Mais il est impossible de dire quand cela se fera. A Plesetsk d'où partira la Soyouz-2.1V (encore appelée Soyouz-1, version légère) ce sont les pads 3 et 4 de la zone 43 qui seront modernisés à cet effet.
Cela confirme la stratégie du TsSKB Progress qui à terme ne veut plus qu'un type de pad: le pad universel pour toutes les versions de la Soyouz 2 (donc pour la fusée légère Soyouz-2.1V, les plus lourdes Soyouz-2.1A et B, et d'éventuelles versions plus puissantes futures (12, 14, 16 et 18 Tonnes de charge utiles en orbite terrestre en modernisant les boosters et pas seulement le corps central).
Enfin on apprend que le pad 31 de Baïkonour (pour le coup universel, pour soyouz U et FG et soyouz-2.1A et B mais pas encore Soyouz-2.1V) sera de nouveau utilisé pour des progress dont une fois cette année.
Cela confirme la stratégie du TsSKB Progress qui à terme ne veut plus qu'un type de pad: le pad universel pour toutes les versions de la Soyouz 2 (donc pour la fusée légère Soyouz-2.1V, les plus lourdes Soyouz-2.1A et B, et d'éventuelles versions plus puissantes futures (12, 14, 16 et 18 Tonnes de charge utiles en orbite terrestre en modernisant les boosters et pas seulement le corps central).
Enfin on apprend que le pad 31 de Baïkonour (pour le coup universel, pour soyouz U et FG et soyouz-2.1A et B mais pas encore Soyouz-2.1V) sera de nouveau utilisé pour des progress dont une fois cette année.
The Director-General TsSKB Progress Alexander Kirilin: "The Russian-French project" Union - Kuru "- one of our priority projects"
:: 09.06.2010
In June, Paris takes Russian exhibition organized within the Year of Russia in France and France in Russia. Much of the Russian exposition is devoted to the achievements of the space industry. Widely represented in it and, perhaps, the biggest French-Russian space project, which involves the use of rockets "Soyuz-ST" from Kourou in French Guiana.
On the implementation of this project, as well as other areas of work of the State Scientific and Production Space Rocket Center TsSKB Progress "(Samara) on the eve of the exhibition told Interfax-AVN General Director Alexander Kirilin.
- Alexander, how many rockets "Soyuz-ST" has already contracted for launches from the Guiana Space Centre?
- We have signed contracts on 15-th vehicle, inclusive. This firm orders. We discussed a contract for a further 7-10 carriers. That is seven starts at the European Space Agency have payloads, and they are ready to order them. But we insist that the order included three more missiles as an option.
- When can sign a new contract?
- There is hope, the desire of both parties on 19 June as part of the space exhibition, which will be held in Paris in the Year of Russia in France, to sign this contract. In general, I can say that for TsSKB-Progress "Russian-French project" Union - Kuru "- one of the priorities. The increased attention paid to the implementation of state structures, including Roskosmos.
- In Kourou for two your rocket. How to pass their test?
- We conducted tests on the same media - all the work up to the installation media to the outbound platform. They have passed without comment.
Of course, there are some issues that need to be resolved, because the technical position for our rockets - the new conditions of launch, too others. Therefore, we must adjust its records in accordance with the work performed.
Actually, we are ready to export missiles to the launch facility. Date of first run defined - is December 17. But everything will depend on the implementation schedule. Today, in principle, no gaps.
- Periodically, the question is raised about the possibility of manned launches alliance with Kuru. Is it true today?
- First of all, we should finish the flight tests of the carrier rocket Soyuz-2 ". As you probably know, from the Guiana Space Center will operate a rocket Soyuz-2 "in different versions - 1A and 1B. Which version of the rocket will be used in Kourou, depends on the payload, which is now being formed. Europeans tend to variant of the Soyuz 2-1B.
That is, first in Russia to be implemented the appropriate program for transfer of missile launches manned Soyuz-2 ". Today, to launch the ISS program uses our old rocket Soyuz-U and Soyuz-FG. Only after this can be considered the application of the Guiana spaceport under manned launch using our missiles.
- When the Soyuz-2 can replace the old "Unions" in our manned space program?
- Program change carriers is not laid out. It should be ready in the middle of this year. That is, until now, it's impossible to say when the manned program will be translated into a rocket Soyuz-2 "and, accordingly, when the rockets stop the exploitation of the Soyuz-U and Soyuz-FG.
With regard to the modernization of "Gagarin Launch at Baikonur under the rocket Soyuz-2", I can say that conducted reconnaissance Commission. Now consider the volume of necessary funding for this program.
On the ISS program, we have carried out one run from 31-th site, and now issued a decision to conduct missile launches truck this year with the same area. That is, there is a smooth transition. And, of course, the frequency of launches, which now exists on the ISS program, involves the use of 31-th site, which today is universal. Since it can start and launch Soyuz and Soyuz-2 ".
- How is the re-launch complex at Baikonur under the modernized missile?
- Commission conducted reconnaissance on the adaptation of 5-second launch pad ("Gagarin Launch - Interfax-AVN) or as it is called" deuce "under rocket Soyuz-2". Now look funding for this operation. After all this will be calculated and laid out, will be addressed the issue of creating an integrated program of manned translation program for the Soyuz-2 ".
- Question of the prepared TsSKB Progress "light carriers" Soyuz-2-1B. Why is it needed? After all, there conversion Rokot.
- I will not talk about the media, who are coming to the arena. I can only say that a light vehicle is relevant today. Besides, you know, probably, as today there are starting points for R-7 missile. And, we take in this draft that plan to use the available starting positions.
At the Plesetsk space center has already worked out reconnaissance Commission on the 3 rd and 4 th launch (launchers number 3 and number 4 on the 43rd floor - Interfax-AVN). That is, we are looking two start with a view to their modernization under rocket Soyuz-2 ", including a light version of the Soyuz 2-1B.
- When may be the first launch of the lung "Union"?
- We are committed to ensure that the first launch of the carrier light at the end of next year. Agree with all subcontractors. Contracts have been signed by NK-33 control system, telemetry, for all components. June 17-18, we need to protect the additions to the outline sketch.
- What are TsSKB Progress' plans for further modernization of the Soyuz-2 ", in particular the development of the Soyuz-2-3"?
- We are in this range missiles looked at options for carriers of 12 tons, and at 14, 16 and 18 tons. It is a family of fairly serious.
At the same time I want to say that we are now rocket light class do on the assumption that no major revisions will be the center, the central unit of the carrier rocket Soyuz-2-3. That is the basis of the entire line of carriers of this type. This is much nearer a solution of common problems.
- How are things going with the development of media for Spaceport East?
- Directions in Development booster Rus-M to launch from the Baikonur East does not intersect the line on the modernization of the Soyuz-2 ". "Rus-M" - is a carrier of increased weight. The initial baseline version - 23,5 tons, with the achievement in the long term carrying capacity of 100 tons. The plans associated with the cosmodrome East, we were invited to provide line of development. We did it.
We have signed virtually all the volumes of conceptual design. In the near future will conduct scientific and technical advice and send out all the materials for examination of conceptual design.
The basic design of the carrier for the Baikonur Eastern defined. In the first stage, a rocket carrying capacity of 23.5 tons, is the use of the first stage RD-180 engines, the upper levels - RD-0146 and other hydrogen engines.
For subsequent modifications capacity of 50-100 tons, the second stage - this is, of course, hydrogen engines. This dimension, which was a small and large rocket Energia.
Suppliers of NK-33 are able to provide them and our company, and the U.S. "Aerojet". Today worked through the issue of early reproduction of these engines on the Russian territory. This is now engaged in a corporation Oboronprom and Joint Engine Corporation.
According to the new block removal "Volga" for missile Rus-M "preliminary design is developed. His defense will be held in the near future. Documentation virtually assembled. We received comments on the draft, eliminated them and wait for the final defense.
Naturally, the beginning of work on the construction of launch complex for the rocket Rus-M "in the East due to the protection of conceptual design media.
- You are doing well as a new unit of remote sensing of the Earth - Resurs-P. What will his difference from the Resurs-DK, which is now in orbit?
- In comparison with the Resurs-DK is a new apparatus, including the use of special equipment on it. There is a wide-and hyperspectral and equipment.
Today, we are under construction all components of systems, we complete the acquisition components. The schedule provides that in the middle of next year, you may start to withdraw to the cosmodrome in the second half of the year to carry out his execution.
In accordance with the Federal Space Program, we work so that in 2011, launching the first Resurs-P ", and in 2013 - the second to a group.
- How to go work on scientific satellites?
- Plans for launching into orbit scientific satellites Bion and Foton, respectively, in 2012 and 2013 are to be kept without fail. Bion is already in the assembly, including all components, aggregate, and instrumentation systems, as well as the lander.
Foton is also in the assembly. Completing the system for him in the manufacturing process. At the beginning of next year will build a full-scale poagregatnaya apparatus.
- What proportion of works TsSKB Progress "performs for the Defense Ministry?
- We have a very serious interaction with the Ministry of Defence. If we talk about the structure of boot company, we have approximately 30-35% - it orders the Ministry of Defense, 40-45% - component of the Russian Space Agency, and the remaining share - is a commercial component, that is what is associated with commercial services.
J'ai un peu de mal à comprendre l'intérêt de l'évolution vers la Soyouz 2 pour le lancement d'équipage, puisque la Rus-M devrait prendre la relève avec une nouvelle capsule ?
montmein69- Donateur
- Messages : 20948
Inscrit le : 01/10/2005
Age : 73
Localisation : région lyonnaise
montmein69 a écrit:J'ai un peu de mal à comprendre l'intérêt de l'évolution vers la Soyouz 2 pour le lancement d'équipage, puisque la Rus-M devrait prendre la relève avec une nouvelle capsule ?
C'est une question de process de fabrication. En gros le TsSKB Progress ne veut plus avoir qu'une ligne de fabrication pour les fusées soyouz. Quant à la Rus-M il faudra au bas mot 10 ans avant que le nouveau système soit en place. Et de plus comme les russes sont très pragmatiques et ont connu des temps difficile par le passé, ils veulent être prêts à réduire la voilure si nécessaire.
Passer tout le système fusée soyouz dans le système Soyouz 2 paraît logique. Quoiqu'il arrive ils auront une fusée à tout faire pour un coût d'infrastructure minimum.
Mais comme tu as pu le remarquer le passage des vols habités sur soyouz 2 n'est qu'envisagé et peut-être ne se fera-t-il jamais si le développement du PTS et de la Rus-M suit son cours prévu.
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