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    De nouveaux cosmonautes russes issus de la société


    Messages : 6152
    Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
    Age : 69 Masculin
    Localisation : Poitiers

    De nouveaux cosmonautes russes issus de la société Empty De nouveaux cosmonautes russes issus de la société

    Message  patchfree Mer 13 Oct 2010 - 15:37

    Une réunion importante a eu lieu à Roscosmos. Elle a prit les décisions suivantes:

    - de nouveaux cosmonautes ont été choisis pour être à l'entrainement
    - il n'y aura plus qu'un seul corps de cosmonautes
    - certains seront recrutés comme à l'ESA après un concours ouvert à tous, et en tout cas à d'autres entreprises.

    Les deux derniers points sont des nouveautés chez les russes.

    The terms of the likely contenders for the post of would-be astronauts in the near future will be significantly expanded
    :: 13.10.2010

    Interdepartmental Commission on the Selection of Astronauts and their purpose in the crew manned spacecraft and stations on October 12 under the chairmanship of the Russian Federal Space Agency Anatoly Perminov, at its meeting approved the certification test cosmonaut OJSC RSC Energia after SP Korolev Oleg Artemyev Germanovich .

    Interdepartmental Commission recommended the appointment of a candidate for cosmonaut-tester FSBI Research Institute, Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin ": senior test engineer on board of FSBI Research Institute, Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin" Homenchuk Alexis, chief engineer of FSBI Research Institute Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin "Matveev Denis, commander of the Aviation Unit Prokopiev Sergei Valerievich and requested FSBI Research Institute, Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin" to organize the general space training AM Homenchuka, SV and DV Prokopieva Matveeva training program test cosmonauts.

    Designate a candidate for cosmonaut-tester of Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, Korolev "Interministerial Commission recommended that the engineer category 2 of the Division of extravehicular activity of JSC" Energia "Korolev" graduate student of this company Sviatoslav A. Morozov and engineer primary operative management group (LOCT) "RSC Energia after SP Korolev Wagner Ivan Viktorovich. It is planned that they will also be of general space training in FSBI Research Institute, Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin "at the cosmonaut training program-testers.

    The meeting also discussed other issues.

    At the suggestion of Chief FSBI "Research Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin" SK Krikalev, while maintaining the system of selecting candidates for the astronauts and cosmonauts training program of work on the ISS to conduct an open competition. And, to select candidates in cosmonauts have not only the CPC Gagarin and RSC Energia, but also among experts of other companies the space industry, as well as among young people trained in technical universities and working in science cities.

    Head of Russian Federal Space Agency Anatoly Perminov reminded participants of the meeting an example from the history of domestic space: "Remember, as selected by candidates across the country for the first cosmonaut of thousands - of one. Now look at the European experience, the enthusiasm with which young people have from college seeks to elect a journey into space. In our country, decent people very much. But they do not fall into the list of candidates ", - said Anatoly Perminov.

    Given the criticisms of the head of Russian Space Agency Interagency Commission adopted a decision on lining up the vertical subordination, including - the union of all the astronauts in a single unit, which will be organized in the FSBI Research Institute, Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

    Cosmonaut Training Centre mandated to carry out next year, an additional set of candidates for cosmonauts and astronauts, testers, researchers, and to do it on a competitive basis to a wide range of professionals in the first place - working at the enterprises of rocket-space industry.

    Press Service of the Russian Space Agency



    De nouveaux cosmonautes russes issus de la société Empty Re: De nouveaux cosmonautes russes issus de la société

    Message  Invité Mer 13 Oct 2010 - 16:21

    Si Sidjay doit mettre des liens pour partager l'information, une petite traduction en français serait la bienvenue aussi ;)

    Messages : 6152
    Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
    Age : 69 Masculin
    Localisation : Poitiers

    De nouveaux cosmonautes russes issus de la société Empty Re: De nouveaux cosmonautes russes issus de la société

    Message  patchfree Mer 13 Oct 2010 - 20:52

    spacemen1969 a écrit:Si Sidjay doit mettre des liens pour partager l'information, une petite traduction en français serait la bienvenue aussi ;)

    Ah ah! Note quand même que j'ai mis un bref résumé au début...

    Je rajoute la citation en bon anglais de chez Roscosmos:

    The Number of Cosmonaut Candidates will Increase
    :: 14.10.2010

    On Oct. 12, Interagency Board chaired by Roscosmos Head Anatoly Perminov qualified Oleg Artemiev as test cosmonaut of RSC-Energia.
    The Board also recommended to appoint Alexey Khomenchuk (GCTC), Denis Matveev (GCTC), Sergey Prokopiev (Aviation Corps) as cosmonaut candidates, and ordered GCTC to arrange their spaceflight training as test cosmonauts.
    RSC-Energia’s Sviatoslav Morozov and Ivan Vagner are also planned to go through the training as cosmonaut candidates.

    GCTC Chief Sergey Krikalev offered to have an open contest to select new cosmonauts. He stated that not only GCTC and Energia shall provide their cosmonaut candidates, but also other companies of the industry, as well as science cities.

    Roscosmos Head Anatoly Perminov reminded about the history, when the first cosmonauts had been selected from thousands of candidates from all Russia. “There are many worthy candidates in our country, but there are given no chance to become cosmonauts”, Roscosmos Head stated.

    The Board decided to set up a sequence in the responsible authorities which is to take into account the remarks by Roscosmos Head, including development of the unified Cosmonaut Corps under GCTC.


    De nouveaux cosmonautes russes issus de la société Empty Re: De nouveaux cosmonautes russes issus de la société

    Message  Invité Mer 13 Oct 2010 - 21:17

    c'était de l'humour ... ;) ;)

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