Une installation de test des composants électroniques des satellites à Dubna

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Les équipements électroniques des satellites russes devraient être testés sous le bombardement de particules lourdes chargées pour vérifier leur résistance aux conditions spatiales, dans un accélérateur (Nuclotron) de l'Institut de Recherche Nucléaire de Dubna (près de Moscou).

08.29.2012 / 00:05 in Dubna will test the suitability of the electronics of satellites to space

Physics in Dubna will test the electronics of satellites for suitability to the conditions of space, firing electronic devices with heavy charged particles, said Andrey Butenko, Chief Accelerator Laboratory Department of High Energy Physics (VBLHEP) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, near Moscow.
"Right now is preparing to sign an agreement to work with the Russian Space Agency on the irradiation of electronic components Nuclotron (heavy ion accelerator at JINR.) Will be fixed installation, which will always be irradiated electronic components to be installed on the satellites" - Butenko said during a visit to the Chairman of the State Duma VBLHEP RF Cergeem Naryshkin, RIA Novosti reported.

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers


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Bon signe que le contrôle qualité commence à s'améliorer.
N'était-il pas question de relancer une fabrication de composants typiquement russe ? Sinon auprès de qui se fournissent-ils?

Messages : 20931
Inscrit le : 01/10/2005
Age : 73 Masculin
Localisation : région lyonnaise

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montmein69 a écrit:Bon signe que le contrôle qualité commence à s'améliorer.
N'était-il pas question de relancer une fabrication de composants typiquement russe ? Sinon auprès de qui se fournissent-ils?

Oui mais jusqu'à présent ils se fournissent là où se fournissent tous les autres: en asie du sud-est...

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers


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Dans le même domaine: se tient aujourd'hui (à Moscou) et demain (à St-Peterbourg) un forum internationnal sur les composants électroniques pour les industries stratégiques de Russie. Signe que les russes veulent résoudre leur problème de composants électroniques. l'ESA est partie prenante.

19-20 September in Moscow and St. Petersburg to host forum "High-reliability electronic components for the strategic sectors of Russia"
19/09/2012 ::

September 19 in Moscow and 20 September in St. Petersburg to host events of the First International Technical Forum "High-reliability electronic components for strategic industries of Russia." Forum is to combine the expertise of the world's leading manufacturers of electronic components (ECB) and the 20-year experience of the St. Petersburg electronics companies to create optimal conditions for the development of competitiveness of Russian products in aerospace and defense industries in line with the national strategy.

The Forum was attended by dozens of leading Russian enterprises of strategic sectors, representatives of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), the Ministry of Defense, certification and testing facilities, as well as leading experts in the development and manufacture of high-reliability for critical applications ECB and the European Space Agency (ESA) .

September 19 Roscosmos in the Forum section of the meeting opened MACD "Electronic component base space systems" and began a technical seminar on "experience with a highly reliable ECB in projects of the European Space Agency." The seminar will focus on the requirements of the ESA to the quality of ECB for space applications, testing and quality control of ECB classification procedure ECB level military and space to enable the components in a restrictive list of ESA (European Preferred Parts List). Specialists French company Exxelia talk about mass-produced elektroradioizdeliyah (ESI) for space applications, included in a restrictive list of ESA and the Russian Federal Space Agency - ceramic and tantalum capacitors, wire-wrap products, filters, potentiometers, current collectors, and give examples of the use of these products in ESA space programs. The seminar was attended by 130 participants from 55 enterprises of rocket and space and defense industries.

September 20 in St. Petersburg will be an exhibition and presentation, workshops and round table discussions on the Forum. The exhibition will present 20 products of foreign manufacturers of highly reliable ECB. Three technical seminar will focus on radiation-resistant integrated circuits, highly reliable microwave passive components and EEE. At the round table experts ECB will discuss requirements for supporting documentation for ECB IP quality military and space, restrictive list ECB IP for use in on-board equipment of spacecraft, international cooperation in the production and delivery of highly reliable IP ECB. It is planned that in the events in St. Petersburg will be attended by 340 participants from 97 companies.

Roscosmos press service and MACD

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers


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