Conférence de Presse de Lopota
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V Lopoata DG d'Energia) a donné, aux côtés de Soltsiev (DE d'Energomash), une conférence de presse à Interfax.
Pas facile de résumer ici tous leurs propos. Ci-dessous et dans le spoiler l'essentiel des infos.
On notera quelques points:
- le design technique du PTS est achevé. Si le financement est suffisant les premiers vols auront lieu en 2017
- l'industrie spatiale russe a besoin d'une perspective de voyages vers la lube ou des points de Lagranges
- dans ce cadre les 10 prochaines années devraient être consacrées au développement des nouvelles technologies spatiales
- cela peut se faire ne orbite car pour l'instant, à court terme, on ne peut demeurer longuement sur la lune
- les bénéfices net d'Energia seront un peu plus faible cette année qu'en 2011, autour d'un milliard de roubles
- Energomash produit aujourd'hui 20 moteurs par an contre 4 en 2009
- Les pertes étaient de 800 millions de roubles en 2009, de 400 en 2011 et le bilan devraient être positif en 2012 de 100 millions.
- Lopota juge que l'idée de construire une holding regroupant les producteurs de moteurs fusées russes n'est pas une bonne idée, qu'elle est contre productive et anti-concurrencielle.
- A la suite de cette idée la fusion entre Energia et Energomash (et Lavoshkine) est arrêtée. Provisoirement souhaite Lopota. Il espère être entendu en hauts lieux. Il s'agit là d'une grande discussion entre intégration verticale et horizontale: quelle est la meilleure solution pour assurer la compétitivité de la Russie au niveau mondial?
- Energia crée une "joint venture" avec EADS/Astrium baptisée "Energia Satellites System" (ESS)
- Un satellite moderne d'observation de la terre pour la biélorussie est en cours d'achèvement en coopération avec EADS/Astrium
- Rappel des développements de l'ISS: MLM début 2014, Universal Module en 2016 et le NEM en 2016-2017.
- Pour l'ISS il s'agit d'assurer la possibilité d'envoyer un cargo Progress sur une base mensuelle et qu'il y ait toujours un soyouz de réserve ce qui sera fait fin 2013.
- Energia a participé à 12 missions spatiale en 2012 et il est prévu de participer en 2013 à 3 de plus.
- Energia pense qu'il faut à la Russie 2 types de fusée: une de 15-25 T de charge utile, une de 65-70T et propose de développer cette dernière à partir de la Zenit-3.
- avec Sealaunch la Russie possède un cosmodrome à l'équateur (une idée supportée à un moment par Gorbachev).
- un modèle du PTS sera présenté au MAKS en août 2013.
Pas facile de résumer ici tous leurs propos. Ci-dessous et dans le spoiler l'essentiel des infos.
On notera quelques points:
- le design technique du PTS est achevé. Si le financement est suffisant les premiers vols auront lieu en 2017
- l'industrie spatiale russe a besoin d'une perspective de voyages vers la lube ou des points de Lagranges
- dans ce cadre les 10 prochaines années devraient être consacrées au développement des nouvelles technologies spatiales
- cela peut se faire ne orbite car pour l'instant, à court terme, on ne peut demeurer longuement sur la lune
- les bénéfices net d'Energia seront un peu plus faible cette année qu'en 2011, autour d'un milliard de roubles
- Energomash produit aujourd'hui 20 moteurs par an contre 4 en 2009
- Les pertes étaient de 800 millions de roubles en 2009, de 400 en 2011 et le bilan devraient être positif en 2012 de 100 millions.
- Lopota juge que l'idée de construire une holding regroupant les producteurs de moteurs fusées russes n'est pas une bonne idée, qu'elle est contre productive et anti-concurrencielle.
- A la suite de cette idée la fusion entre Energia et Energomash (et Lavoshkine) est arrêtée. Provisoirement souhaite Lopota. Il espère être entendu en hauts lieux. Il s'agit là d'une grande discussion entre intégration verticale et horizontale: quelle est la meilleure solution pour assurer la compétitivité de la Russie au niveau mondial?
- Energia crée une "joint venture" avec EADS/Astrium baptisée "Energia Satellites System" (ESS)
- Un satellite moderne d'observation de la terre pour la biélorussie est en cours d'achèvement en coopération avec EADS/Astrium
- Rappel des développements de l'ISS: MLM début 2014, Universal Module en 2016 et le NEM en 2016-2017.
- Pour l'ISS il s'agit d'assurer la possibilité d'envoyer un cargo Progress sur une base mensuelle et qu'il y ait toujours un soyouz de réserve ce qui sera fait fin 2013.
- Energia a participé à 12 missions spatiale en 2012 et il est prévu de participer en 2013 à 3 de plus.
- Energia pense qu'il faut à la Russie 2 types de fusée: une de 15-25 T de charge utile, une de 65-70T et propose de développer cette dernière à partir de la Zenit-3.
- avec Sealaunch la Russie possède un cosmodrome à l'équateur (une idée supportée à un moment par Gorbachev).
- un modèle du PTS sera présenté au MAKS en août 2013.
- Spoiler:
- 12/27/2012 next decade should be devoted to working out an effective technology movement in space, according to RSC "Energia"
Rocket and Space Corporation (RSC) "Energy" is going in the next ten years, along with existing programs to focus efforts on practicing efficient movements in space technology, said Wednesday at a press conference in the "Interfax" President, General Designer of RSC Vitaly Lopota .
"In the next 10 years working out plans for building a RAC efficient technology movement in space. For this we need missions to the Moon and Lagrange points" - he explained.
"We can share anything on Earth. But moving to the Moon and Mars should be together," - says V.Lopota.
"We need to develop ideas that will allow humanity to live safely. As an engineer, I put the problem in the next 10 years to work out effective technology movement, including non-reactive," - he said.
Speaking of flying to the moon, V.Lopota not consider it necessary to fit it, at least in the short term.
"We sit there on the moon? Unanswered. On the moon no one is waiting, and for development of the technology is sufficient orbit", - he said.
"We need to work out the equipment and certify it from the point of view of security. Next 10 years will have to focus on creating the infrastructure for human habitation" - said V.Lopota.
"Dreaming and planning in space activities we have for centuries to come," - he said.
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12/27/2012 Net income RSC "Energia" in 2012 is expected to reach 1 billion rubles. - President of the RSC
Net income Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" (RSC "Energia") in 2012 to 1 billion rubles, down compared to last year, told reporters on Wednesday general designer-president of Vitaly Lopota, RIA Novosti reported.
"Last year, net profit was 1.2 billion rubles this year, as we expect to be a little less than one billion rubles," - said Lopota.
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12/27/2012 Production of engines in the NGO "Energomash" for three years has quadrupled
Production of engines of the Russian NGO "Energomash" increased over the period from 2009 to the current year from five to 20 engines per year, said Wednesday at a news conference in Moscow, Executive Director Vladimir Solntsev, RIA Novosti reported.
"The production of engines in 2009 was at the level of five engines per year. Now we have reached the 20 engines per year", - said Sun.
According to him, two years ago, the situation at the company was close to bankruptcy.
"The credit portfolio of the company in late 2010, over 6 billion rubles. Was the highest depreciation of buildings and equipment. Specifically, some machines were barred 25 years and over", - said the Sun.
In addition, he said, the influx of young people to the company in the years 2009-2010 was the average age of employees is 56 years.
"Now the situation has changed. We have a nine doctors, 50 candidates. Additionally, we have built our training center, where a year were retrained more than 50 employees. Our KB we are new developments," - said the executive director of the NGO "Energomash ".
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12/27/2012 Revenues NGO "Energomash" for two years has increased more than four-fold - to 7 billion rubles.
Proceeds of "Energomash" Russian manufacturer of launch vehicles, has grown from 2010 to more than four times - from 1.7 billion rubles a year to 7 billion rubles a year, said Wednesday at a news conference in Moscow, the executive director of the company Vladimir Solntsev, RIA Novosti reported.
"Operating profit (profit from sales) in 2009 amounted to minus 850 million rubles, in 2011 - minus 430 million rubles this year, the first time we managed to get a positive result - plus 105 million rubles. We plan to fix it, and then" - said Sun.
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12/27/2012 Head of RSC "Energia" considers inappropriate creation engine-holding
President of RSC "Energia" Vitaly Lopota considers inappropriate creation engine-holding in the Russian space industry, RIA Novosti reported.
"This proposal will completely eliminate the competitive environment in the country," - said Lopota.
In turn, the deputy head of infrastructure sectors and organizations MIC Rosimushchestvo Sergey Barinov noted that this issue is being discussed at several levels.
"The central question - how to compete with Russia on the international level. Besides, no one can clearly answer the question of which is better - a vertically integrated and horizontally integrated structure," - said the master.
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12/26/2012 RKK "Energy" signed charter documents on Russian-European joint venture, which will build the satellites - Lopota
RSC "Energia" has signed with EADS Astrium / European Aeronautic Defence and Space Group / statutory documents on Russian-European joint venture / SP /, which will produce a spacecraft. Told reporters today at a press conference the president of "Energy" Vitaly Lopota.
"December 14 of this year were signed all statutes," - he said.
According Lopota already defined the name of the company - "Energy-satellite systems."
Joint venture will be located in the RSC "Energy" in the Moscow suburb of Korolev. Based on the satellite platform, corporations will produce modern communication satellites and remote sensing, reports Business-TASS.
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12/26/2012 Russian specialists together with Belarusian colleagues completes a satellite for Belarus
Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" completes the creation of a new satellite remote sensing (RS), said general designer and president of Vitaly Lopota.
"Stopping the creation of satellite remote sensing with unique characteristics. Currently, it is the assembly - the optical part of the apparatus we create together with Belarus, the spacecraft itself doing in cooperation EADS-Astrium", - quotes RIA Novosti Lopota.
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12/26/2012 The process of creating a space holding based on RSC "Energia" suspended
The process of creating a space holding based on the Rocket and Space Corporation / RSC / "Energy" on hold, reports Tass-Telecom. Told reporters today at a press conference president of Vitaly Lopota.
He recalled that a year ago approved a program to establish a holding company based RCM, which would include, including NGOs "Energomash" and NPO. Lavochkin. "This year was supposed to be completed by the formation of the holding company, but the management of Roskosmos stop it," - said Lopota.
President of "Energy" noted that some events, though, was made: for example, RSC "Energia", "come" in the NGO "Energomash" as the management company. "Energy" and "Energomash" - essentially twins "- the president said," Energy. "
He added that, when the space industry in the country should create a competitive environment. "Therefore, we propose the creation of the holding company. Hopefully our wishes to be heard," - added Lopota.
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12/26/2012 Lopota: Russian segment PKC expand
Plans for the development of the space industry in Russia, told a news conference in the "Interfax" President of Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" Vitaly Lopota.
"Increase the Russian segment of the multifunctional laboratory module, assembly, which concludes today, and by the end of next year it should be run," - said Lopota, reports "Interfax".
It will be a Russian research module of the ISS. Inside it will be 14, and 13 universal outside jobs, he said.
"Show it to orbit will be the carrier rocket" Proton "- said Lopota.
The next module, which will grow the ISS will become universal module, "which will be the base module for the development of the Russian segment of the station." Its launch is scheduled for 2016.
"Somewhere in the years 2016-2017, we hope, the contract has been concluded with Roskosmos will be formed the first Sci-power module," - said President of RSC "Energia".
In addition, he said that in the regime of monthly readiness launch to the ISS, where necessary, is a cargo ship "Progress", and by the end of next year will be ready reserve manned spacecraft "Soyuz".
Flight testing of promising transportation system is planned to begin in 2017, said Lopota.
"In 2012, we carried out 12 missions - four manned launch, four starts," truck ", three launches the program" Sea Launch "and one - on the navigation system", - said the head of the RAC.
"In 2013, we plan to carry out the mission for three more, mainly on the International Space Station," - he said.
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12/26/2012 Head of RSC "Energia" told about perspective missiles
On the basis of the carrier rocket "Zenit-3" for the shortest time can be created promising rocket carrying capacity up to 70 tons, said Wednesday at a press conference in the "Interfax" president and chief designer of the Rocket and Space Corporation (RSC) " energy "Vitaly Lopota.
"Russia in the near future need boosters of two types - carrying capacity of 15-25 tons, and 65 - 70 tons," - he said.
In his view, the missile can develop heavy-based rocket "Zenit-3" used in the "Sea Launch".
"After the reorganization of the company" Sea Launch "holds four starters. Russia, with this floating cosmodrome has a point on the equator," - said V.Lopota.
According to him, "Sea Launch" - "is an evolutionary development that was created by the program" Energy ", at one time covered by Gorbachev." "Now on the basis of this support, we can create in a short time media capacity of up to 70 tons. Such carriers according to our plans, we need", - he said.
In addition, the upcoming air show in Zhukovsky will demonstrate a promising model of manned spacecraft, the development of which is currently in RSC "Energia".
"We are making a new ship. This is the first massive layout, which we are working," - V. Lopota.
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12/26/2012 Completed engineering design of the new Russian spacecraft
Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" to complete the technical design of the new Russian manned spacecraft, said at a press conference in the "Interfax" in Moscow, the corporation's president Vitaly Lopota.
"Today we finished the technical design, using digital technology. Technical Design (ship - Interfax-AVN) is completed, and we hope that by 2017, with sufficient funding, we will begin its flight testing" - said Lopota.
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