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    JAXA Astronaut Selected for the Second Space Shuttle - KIBO


    Messages : 2650
    Inscrit le : 02/12/2005
    Age : 62 Masculin
    Localisation : Loir et Cher

    JAXA Astronaut Selected for the Second Space Shuttle - KIBO Empty JAXA Astronaut Selected for the Second Space Shuttle - KIBO

    Message  zx Sam 31 Mar 2007 - 12:31

    Quand on parle de colombus, vient tout de suite derriere kibo

    Mais on sait pas grand chose sur le detail des missions de ces gros laboratoires, quelqu'un à des infos.

    Source :


    Article :

    JAXA Astronaut Selected for the Second Space Shuttle Mission
    for Transporting and Assembling
    the Japanese Experiment Module Kibo
    March 23, 2007 (JST)
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

    We are pleased to announce that the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) agreed the Japanese astronaut to fly aboard the second Space Shuttle flight for the transportation and assembly of the Japanese Experiment Module Kibo of the International Space Station (ISS) (STS-124/1J).

    Assigned Astronaut: Astronaut Akihiko Hoshide (Mission Specialist (MS))
    Orbiter: Atlantis
    Planned Flight Schedule: Early 2008
    Mission Duration: About two weeks
    Expected activities: Assemble the Pressurized Module (PM) to the ISS and activate it, and perform other activities. Specific tasks assigned to him are to be determined in the future.
    Planned schedule of the Astronaut:
    General training for being aboard the Space Shuttle and the ISS and specific training for Kibo assembly will be provided.

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