Au sujet de ESEO ESMO

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Au sujet de ESEO ESMO Empty Au sujet de ESEO ESMO

Message Lun 21 Avr 2008 - 17:21

Pour ceux qui sont concernés par le projet ESEO qui devrait voir le lancement en 2011 d'une importante charge utile conçue
par des étudiants universitaires européens et coopérants et l'aide de l'ESA l'ESTEC, l'AMSAT, etc., voici un article que je ne
prend pas la peine de traduire ici (encore qu'il faudra que je le fasse pour un journal AMSAT Francophone), mais bon.

European Student Earth Orbiter Update

It has been quite a time since the AMSAT-UK European Student Earth Orbiter
(ESEO) team have been able to provide an update on the progress of this
satellite payload and just recently ESA have made a major change to the
structure of the project organization.

The plan has been to develop a package to provide downlink telemetry at 400 bps
and provide backup tele-command and ranging facilities for the mission
management teams. It would, additionally, provide a 435 to 2400 MHz (Mode U/S)
linear transponder using both analogue and DSP based systems.

ESEO is a 110kg student satellite project intended for launch in to low
inclination GTO elliptical orbit.

Until the beginning of 2008 the whole ESEO project had been organized directly
by ESA Education Office under the SSETI (Student Space Exploration & Technology
Initiative) banner but they have now decided to adopt new arrangements.

To quote from the ESA website

" To date, both projects (ESEO and ESMO) have proceeded in the early phases
with a project team consisting entirely of students with project
management and
ad hoc technical support provided by ESA.

It is now intended to implement a new project team structure for these two
projects in order to enhance the educational benefits given to the
students and
to ensure that the project progresses through major reviews to a successful
completion on schedule. The new project structure consists of:

* a System Prime responsible for the system engineering and technical
management of the project, the provision of specialist technical
advice to the
students where needed, and supervising the student AIV(Assembly
Integration &
Verification) of the satellite at ESTEC.

* a Network of Universities responsible for the delivery of payload items,
satellite subsystem items and ground segment systems by their
student teams and
ensuring the adequate supervision/long-term continuity of the
student teams

What does this mean for AMSAT-UK's involvement in the project?

The launch date is now not expected to be earlier than 2011.

The process for the appointment of the System Prime Contractor is presently
underway and is expected to be completed by later this year.

After the System Prime has been appointed, we will work with them and with ESA
Education to ensure that the AMSAT sub-system is available when required by the

Further information should be available in time for the AMSAT-UK Colloquium
which is being held at the University of Surrey at Guildford from
Friday 25th to
Sunday 28th July,

[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information]

Bonne planche à ceux qui bossent sur ce sujet ; peutêtre que je tournerais mes antennes radio vers cet oiseau lorsqu'il sera
en orbite, pas au périgée j'habite en Corse du Sud, mais à l'apogée...

Messages : 17089
Inscrit le : 12/04/2006
Age : 81 Masculin
Localisation : Corse du Sud

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