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    UE, ESA et Roscosmos: les collaborations


    Messages : 6152
    Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
    Age : 69 Masculin
    Localisation : Poitiers

    UE, ESA et Roscosmos: les collaborations Empty UE, ESA et Roscosmos: les collaborations

    Message  patchfree Mer 18 Mar 2009 - 17:26

    La 4ème rencontre du "Dialogue euro-russe" qui vient de se tenir a permis de mettre les choses au clair sur l'état de la coopération. Après maints et maints discussions, rumeurs etc au cours des mois passés le document ci-dessous a l'intérêt de bien préciser les choses.

    A noter le changement de thème du groupe chargé de discuter du vaisseau spatial (qui ne se fera pas en coopération) qui s'occupera désormais, entre-autres, des perspectives des vols pilotés post-ISS...

    JOINT STATEMENT of the European Space Agency, the European Commission and the Federal Space Agency on the implementation of the EU-Russia Dialogue on Space Cooperation
    On the occasion of the fourth meeting of the Steering Board under the Space Dialogue the three participating organisations - the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Commission and Roscosmos reviewed the progress made since their last meeting in Paris in June 2008. The European Commission and the European Space Agency informed the Russian side about the state of implementation of the European Space Policy launched in May 2007, notably as regards the European GALILEO and GMES programmes. They also informed about the outcome of the 5th European Space Council meeting in September 2008 identifying the future priority areas of space activity. ESA introduced the outcome of the ESA Council Meeting held at Ministerial Level in November 2008. The Russian side informed about the priorities and further planning in implementing its national space programmes. The three sides confirmed that mutually beneficial international cooperation was an important element in implementing their respective priorities. They also noted that space-related innovation and technology development could offer promising avenues to address the challenges of the current global economic and financial crisis. The Parties noted with satisfaction the further progress in conducting and deepening the regular dialogue at working level in the various fields of Space activities between the Russian Federation, the European Union and ESA, in line with the Terms of Reference agreed in March 2006 and based on the Road Maps for the creation of EU-Russia Common Spaces adopted by the May 2005 EU-Russia Summit. The following seven working groups under the trilateral Space Dialogue held further regular meetings since June 2008: - Earth Observation - Satellite Navigation - Satellite Communication - Fundamental Space Science - Applied Space Science and Technology - Launch Systems - Crew Space Transportation System (Spaceship) Most of them made substantial progress in their activities. The Steering Board took note of presentations of the Co-chairs of the working groups on their activities and progress achieved, discussed and finally adopted their revised work plans for the period 2009-2010. The following actions have been identified by the Steering Board as priorities for the period 2009-2010:
    • Earth observation: Implement an ESA-Roscosmos data exchange arrangement in support of joint research projects in the areas of agriculture, forestry, earthquake precursors and arctic regions. Encourage European and Russian research entities to participate in the upcoming FP7 Space call in view of improving the base for implementing relevant projects. Exchange information on in-situ infrastructure relevant to Earth Observation services.
    • Satellite Navigation: Formal steps will be taken for the negotiations of the overarching GNSS (Galileo-EGNOS/GLONASS-SDCM) cooperation agreement. The EU and Russia will exchange information related to their plans for developing regional augmentation systems. In the shorter term, further progress is expected from the experts of the Technical Working Group as regards the central issues of compatibility and interoperability of GALILEO and GLONASS. In addition, for Search and Rescue, both sides will cooperate jointly to define performance validation procedures and ground segment operations.
    • Satellite communications: Further investigate the scope of cooperation in satellite communications with space agencies and other commercial and institutional actors for the development of joint applications and services. Topics to be assessed include technology, services, improved broadband access, improved mobility for broadband services, future air traffic communications via satellites, and interoperability of Russian and European Data Relay Satellites.
    • Fundamental Space Science: Further implement the ESA - Roscosmos Exomars - Phobos Grunt Agreement, signed at the last Steering Board meeting in June 2008. Continue the activity concerning the provision of MGNS for “BebiColombo” mission. Proceed the dialogue between Russian and European scientists to participate in the ESA Cosmic Vision programme 2015-2025. Pursue discussions on possible cooperation on one of the proposed missions under this programme.
    • Applied Space Science and Technology: Based on the successful definition and joint agreement by the Working Group on 10 Pilot Cases for cooperation in applied space technology for implementation from 2009 onwards, as well as on 3 topics for joint workshops in the coming period, facilitate and support the implementation work between the relevant Industries, Institutes and Research Organisations.
    • Launch Systems: Major milestones having been achieved during 2008 in the implementation of the cooperation between the parties for the exploitation of the Soyuz launcher from Europe`s Spaceport, in particular following the arrival of the Russian equipment to French Guiana in July 2008, the objective is now to proceed in line with planning in order to carry out the first launch before end 2009.
    • Crew Space Transportation System: The work performed jointly by Roscosmos and ESA in 2007-2008 on crew transportation systems, with the support by European and Russian industry, has led to the understanding of the general architecture, to the trade-off and selection of vehicle concept. Even after converging to a single vehicle concept, there are differences in the selected technical solutions, which depend on the assumed operational scenario, and have led to the choice of developing independent systems. As a consequence, it is considering to extend the scope of the WG activities to include the joint preliminary definition of a post-ISS manned space flight scenarios, supporting human exploration missions and other applications. This will include, for example, the development of in-orbit large structures and their assembly techniques and development of robotic means, as well as atmospheric re-entry technologies and other issues as identified during the work. Moreover in the shorter term the WG activities could cover ISS complementary developments and research capabilities, joint scientific utilization of ISS and the medical aspects of crew training and support for long duration missions. On this basis it is proposed to rename the WG as “Human Spaceflight Programme” with the update mandate as described above. The Steering Board noted with satisfaction the conduct of a Seminar on Europe-Russia Space Cooperation, held on 17 March 2009 in Moscow and gathering about 180 participants from Russian space organisations, institutes and enterprises as well as from European agencies, institutions, enterprises and embassies. The seminar provided an opportunity to inform about and discuss opportunities for future cooperation and mutual participation in European and Russian space programmes. At the seminar, the European Commission informed about the main parameters and procedures under the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development, while ESA and Roscosmos informed about their relevant programmes and instruments, including the relevant budgetary planning and allocations for international cooperation. The Parties reiterated their mutual commitment to make all necessary efforts to ensure financing of agreed actions under this Space Dialogue.
    The Parties agreed to hold the next Steering Board meeting in spring 2010 in Brussels.
    Done in Moscow, March 18, 2009

    Messages : 20852
    Inscrit le : 01/10/2005
    Age : 73 Masculin
    Localisation : région lyonnaise

    UE, ESA et Roscosmos: les collaborations Empty Re: UE, ESA et Roscosmos: les collaborations

    Message  montmein69 Mer 18 Mar 2009 - 21:28

    Plutôt positif donc, des collaborations continueront dans divers domaines. C'est le principal AMHA.

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