La Russie veut développer un vaisseau à propulsion nucléaire

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patchfree a écrit:
Un passage est très intéressant à observer: le déploiement d'une petite antenne...géniale!
Effectivement elle est surprenante ! :)


Messages : 12693
Inscrit le : 15/04/2006

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0:00-2:00...Une petite traduction à propos de la grande antenne :

Com. : Grace à ce genre d’antennes nous pouvons recevoir les informations depuis l’espace mais aussi effectuer des guidages des sondes et satellites, celle-ci est l’une des plus grosses en Russie ainsi que dans le monde. Son diamètre est de plus de 64 mètres. Sa localisation les lacs Medvejié, un lieu spécialement choisi pour une discussion spatiale :

Medvedev : Cette antenne fonctionne? Elle a été rénové ?

Perminov : Pas seulement rénové, modernisé et amélioré, tout les schémas et systèmes de contrôles marchent en numérique et certains appareillage sont uniques au monde, même le système de mouvement est numérique.

Com. : Cette antenne vit ca deuxième vit, à une certaine époque c’est elle qui a reçue les images de Venus, les informations sur la comète de Halé et Phobos le satellite de Mars, mais uniquement en mode radiotélescope (mode réception, circulation d’informations dans un seul sens). Désormais, après de sérieuses modifications elle peut téléguider sondes et satellites.

Perminov : Le résultat le plus important de ces modernisations c’est la nouvelle capacité multitâche de l’antenne et la diversification de ces taches.

Com. : Et ces taches serons nombreuses, études de galaxies, trous noirs et autres quasars ainsi que le travail pour programme lunaire indien. Dans l’avenir la plus part des appareilles spatiaux à destination interplanétaire et autres seront contrôlés par cette antenne …

Messages : 587
Inscrit le : 13/09/2009
Age : 48 Masculin
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Les déclarations se multiplient à propos de la propulsion nucléaire dans le domaine spatial.

Voir le fil ici:

Et la présentation de Koroteev ici:

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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Le président Medvedev appuie l'initiative pour le développement de la propulsion nucléaire spatiale (attention traduction automatique pas terrible...):

Medvedev: we must develop nuclear engines of spaceships
13:20 12/04/2010

Gorki, April 12 - RIA Novosti. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that work on a new project, a research center named after MV Keldysh of space transportation and power module on the basis of nuclear power and the installation should continue.

President's Day Space held a session with the crew of the ISS, and met with leaders of the space industry. After talks with Russian and foreign cosmonauts working on the ISS, director of research center named after Keldysh Anatoly Koroteev reported to the president of the new design center.

"It is about to return to nuclear energy in space, in order to obtain more efficient and fundamentally new vehicle," - said Dmitry.

According to him, the new engine will be much more efficient and ekomichnee present.

"There's a limit opportunities for the energy with which we now move in space. Nuclear energy will enable this limit is removed, or at least move it around every 30, raising the engine efficiency," - said the center's director.

The project will create new space vehicles - transport-power module on the basis of nuclear power plants, with the level of energy more than 30 times higher and with more than ten times more economical on fuel consumption.

"The project lays the technical solutions to create electrorocket tugs, energy and ballistic characteristics of which will implement the full range of space problems of the 21 st century in deep space", - said Dmitry.

The developers are confident that the creation of fundamentally new energy and transportation means in space will provide the leadership role of Russia in the future large-scale international projects on research and space exploration.

The project, as scientists believe, will lead to the production of space in a high vacuum of such materials, which can not be obtained under terrestrial conditions, in particular, nanostructures with ultra-properties. Scientists are counting on the opportunity, thanks to this project, go to the creation of energy systems of the Earth from space.

In addition, the development provides an opportunity to fight the danger of asteroids and comets, as well as clean the orbit of space debris.

Timing of the project "quite realistic," said Dmitry.

"It will be exciting, as they say. This is really a new era in space flight," - said the president of Russia.

"Of course, you have to create all this, but certainly it can inspire anyone to have to dream about what the prospects open up this kind of engines," - said Medvedev.

The president said that the cosmos is one of the priorities of the state. "Minimize here we are not going anywhere," - he said.

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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L'idée d'une propulsion nucléaire semble suivre son petit bout de chemin avec une initiative concrète quadripartite Roscosmos/Rosatom/Régionde Krasnoyarsk/Unibversité de Sibérie.

Roskosmos, Rosatom and the Krasnoyarsk region join forces to promote innovative technologies
:: 18.04.2010

Signed a quadripartite agreement on cooperation between the Federal Space Agency, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, the Federal State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University and the Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The subject of the Agreement is the organization of joint activities of the Parties in the field of research and innovation in the fields of nuclear and space technologies, the use of new types of energy and space activities.

The agreement provides for joint action in the following areas:

1. Development and implementation of technology forecasting and modeling, aimed at developing the energy and space capabilities of Russia in the medium and long term, taking into account changes in geo-economic situation.

2. Creating a regional innovation and navigation information infrastructure to ensure effective implementation of research and application of their results for the production of innovative nuclear and space technologies.

3. Creating an effective knowledge management system aimed at improving the efficiency of research and development (R & D).

4. Creating a modern system of training, retraining and advanced training in these innovative fields.

5. Creation in the territory of a closed administrative-territorial formation - Zheleznogorsk - innovative pilot sites to test the effective mechanism of territorial development through concerted action on the impact of enterprise and local government.

Plenipotentiary Representative of the Federal Space Agency on the implementation of this Agreement is JSC "SPC" Recod ".

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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Voici un extrait de l'interview à Interfax de l'académicien Koroteev à propos du module de propulsion nucléaire pour l'espace. Il est explique quelle approche proposent les russes:

Academician Anatoly Koroteev: "Nuclear energy can provide a qualitative leap in the development of space"

 - La Russie veut développer un vaisseau à propulsion nucléaire - Page 2 2010_02_10_koroteev

-What is the fundamental difference with the new approach?

- This approach is different from the old to the same, is different than a hybrid car from an ordinary car. In a conventional car engine turns the wheels, and in hybrid cars from the engine generating electricity and that electricity is already turns the wheels. That is creating a kind of intermediate power.

Similarly, we proposed a scheme in which the space reactor does not heat the jet ejected from it, and produces electricity. Hot gas from the reactor turns the turbine, the turbine turns the generator and a compressor, which circulates the working fluid through a closed circuit. The generator also produces electricity for the plasma thruster with a specific thrust is 20 times higher than that of chemical engines.

What are the main advantages of this approach. First, there is no need in the Semipalatinsk test site .. We can conduct all tests in the territory of Russia, is not drawn into any long or heavy international negotiations over the use of nuclear energy outside the state. Second, emerging from the jet engine will not be radioactive, since the reactor is completely different working body, which is located in a closed circuit. In addition, we do not need at this circuit is heated hydrogen, here in the reactor circulates inert working medium, which is heated to 1500 degrees. We are seriously oversimplifying a problem. Finally, in the end we will raise the specific impulse is not doubled, but 20 times as compared with chemical engines.

- Can set a timetable of the project?

- The project involves the following steps: in 2010 - Getting Started in 2012 - Completion of preliminary design and conduct a detailed computer simulation of the working process, in 2015 - the establishment of nuclear power plants; in 2018 - the establishment of the transport module that uses this motor installation to the same year to prepare the system for the flight.

By the way, the phase of simulation not previously been characterized for creating products of space technology, but today it is absolutely necessary. For example, the latest engines, which were developed in Russia, France and the U.S., it became clear that the classic old method, when done a large number of prototypes for testing, is outdated.

Today, when the possibility of computer technology is very high, especially with the advent of supercomputers, we can provide the physical and mathematical modeling to create a virtual drive, play possible situations, see where the pitfalls, and only then go to the creation of the engine as described in prostate ".

That good example. You've probably heard about the creation of the Americans in KB Energomash RD - 180 for the rocket "Atlas". Instead of 25-30 copies, which are usually left on testing of the engine, it took only 8, and the RD-180 immediately went into action. Because the developers had taken the trouble all this "play" on computers.

- What is the price issue?

- Today at the whole project might encounter 17 billion rubles in 2018, inclusive. Just in 2010 allocated 500 million rubles, including 430 million Rubles - for Rosatom and 70 mln rubles - for the Russian Space Agency.

Naturally, we would like to believe that if the leadership says it is a priority, and the money allocated, they will.

The declared amount is less than desired, but I think in the coming years is enough, and with this money you can perform a large range of works.

Our Institute was appointed head of nuclear power installation, transport module, is likely to make Rocket and Space Corporation Energia.

In general, the project laid the basis for co-operation, consisting mainly of Rosatom, which should make the reactor, and the Russian Space Agency, which will produce turbochargers, generators and engines themselves.

Of course, the work will be used for scientific reserve, created in previous years. For example, based on reactor design lays a large number of decisions that had previously taken by the nuclear engine. Cooperation is the same. This Podolsky Technological Research Institute, Kurchatov Centre, it Obninsk Physics and Power Engineering Institute. In a closed loop done much behalf of the Keldysh Center, CB chemical engineering and Voronezh KB Chemical Automation. We are fully will use this experience to create a turbocharger. As we connect the generator Institute of Electromechanics, who has experience in creating flying prototype generators.

In short, there is considerable reserve, the work does not begin from scratch.

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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Perminov a répondu à des question au Congrès Mondial de l'Astronautique à Pragues. Il considère que les efforts pour améliorer significativement les moteurs actuels seront vains et qu'actuellement seuls des moteurs nucléaires sont en mesure d'écourter les temps de vol. Ainsi il estime que la durée d'un vol vers mars serait de 2 à 4 mois avec cette technologie.

Messages : 6152
Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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La russie risque d'être seule à précher dans le désert pour cette orientation de la R&D.
Les USA qui avaient envisagé cela suite à la synthèse Obama après le rapport Augustine, ont définitivement tiré le rideau sur cette option.... et préférent s'auto-congratuler de lancer une navette de plus.

Bien que pas mal de monde soit d'accord sur "The attempts to improve parameters of the existing rocket propulsion systems are unreasonable" (pas de possibilité de vraiment s'en sortir avec la propulsion classique)
On ne sait pas si la Russie pourrait être suivie dans ce créneau de recherche de nouveaux moyens de propulsion par d'autres agences spatiales (peu probable), encore moins si elle se lancera seule dans un tel challenge.

AMHA .... le LEO va demeurer la destination privilégiée pour de nombreuses décennies.

Messages : 20779
Inscrit le : 01/10/2005
Age : 73 Masculin
Localisation : région lyonnaise

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