Lancement de Progress M-14M le 27 décembre 2011

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Ce progress aura, en plus de sa mission habituelle de ravitaillement de l'ISS, une mission de testing d'un nouveau système de télévision pour les vaisseaux Soyouz, progress et l'ISS. Caractéristique: il sera digital. Ce système a déjà été testé à Baïkonour à l'aide à bord d'un avion AN-2. Il s'agit là de le tester en vol spatial. La station de réception Orion est située elle près du pad de lancement du soyouz.

On "Progress M-14M" will experience digital television for the ISS and Soyuz TMA-M

In November 2010, at the Baikonur Cosmodrome conducted field tests of technological layout of the new television system, "Tit-2, which was developed at the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Television."
It is designed for broadcast television "picture" with a series of ships of the Soyuz TMA-M and from the ISS and, in contrast to the current analogue television system "Klest-M", is digital. The system of "Tit-2" has considerably less mass and power consumption, and qualitatively better performance.
During the tests, the AN-2 with or without a transmitter of "Tit-2 flew over the spaceport, and the receiver system mounted on a television station" Orion ", performed using a television set. Station "Orion" is located near the 1-th site and at the Baikonur launching of the Soyuz spacecraft after it is broadcast television "picture".
For flight testing digital transmitter system "Tit-2" to the encoder to be installed on the Progress M-14M ", the launch is scheduled for December 27, 2011 In the event of a successful test transmitter will soon appear on the ISS, and then ships the series" The Soyuz TMA-M.

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Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
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