Deux centres de certification des composants étrangers
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Suite aux déboires de Phobos-grunt Roscosmos met en place 2 centres de certification des composants achetés à l'étranger, l'un à Moscou, l'autre chez ISS Reshetnev à Zelenogorsk. Les russes se plaignent que le circuit pour se procurer les composants électroniques à l'étranger est trop opaque, sans un contact direct avec les producteurs. Les composants seront désormais testés et certifiés avant utilisation. Ce que pratiquait déjà ISS Reshetnev (le constructeur des glonass).
Dans le même temps Roscosmos va introduire un service en son sein pour que tout le matériel spatial subisse un processus d'acceptation par des experts indépendants de la société qui le conçoit:
02.02.2012 / 10:30 counterfeit chips in the "Phobos-Grunt" is not used - Roscosmos
Counterfeit chips are not used when creating the interplanetary station "Phobos-Grunt", said Thursday the head of Russian Federal Space Agency Vladimir Popovkin, RIA Novosti reported.
Earlier the head of Russian Federal Space Agency admitted that the sub-standard imported chips could lead to an abnormal situation with the staff. Vladimir Popovkin said that "the use of imported chips - a disease not only ours, but the entire disassembly are recent and in NASA, and U.S. Department of Defense on this counterfeit product."
"With regard to counterfeit, we are not saying that there (in interplanetary station "Phobos-Grunt") counterfeit. Established circuits when exposed to heavy charged particles, in fact, given a failure. But it is not counterfeit, really, "- said in an interview Popovkin" Echo of Moscow. "
He explained that the Russian space industry is experiencing problems with the import component base. "It's hard to go to providers, it is always the mediators. And there is the likelihood of counterfeiting, and it is" - said Popovkin.
Popovkin also said that the industry created two certification of all imported electronic components. One of them was founded on the company "Rocket Space Systems" (Moscow), the second - based on the "Information Satellite Systems name Reshetnev" (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region).
"All import element base, we have to check in including the effects of heavy particles, "- said Popovkin.
Dans le même temps Roscosmos va introduire un service en son sein pour que tout le matériel spatial subisse un processus d'acceptation par des experts indépendants de la société qui le conçoit:
02.02.2012 / 12:37 Roskosmos introduce departmental acceptance of space products
Federal Space Agency introduces its own departmental acceptance of the product space, which will complement the department of technical control (QC) and acceptance of the military, said the radio station "Echo Moskvy" Vladimir Popovkin.
"We are creating departmental acceptance of the Russian Space Agency the full range of products. This is not to replace the OTC and does not mean that we are trying to replace military acceptance. It will be the experts and that could at any moment to stop and ask for production to come from Moscow expert group to find out - whether it complied with the technological discipline, whether those are correct technical solutions are adopted " - said the head of the Russian Space Agency.
According to him, innovations are designed to exclude the initial steps in the wrong design and construction of new space technology, according to RIA Novosti.
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