Perspectives russes 2030

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Perspectives russes 2030 Empty Perspectives russes 2030

Message Lun 30 Avr 2012 - 14:15

Perspectives russes 2030 Ban_strat2030

On ne peut passer sous sous silence la publication, à l'état provisoire, comme l'avait promis Popovkine, de la "Strategy of development of space activities in Russia until 2030 and beyond". donc la stratégie russe pour la période allant jusqu'en 2030 en matière d'espace.

Bien sûr tout ça est en discussion mais si on en fait une lecture on perçoit bien les idées générales: à savoir une première période à base de sonde automatiques puis des hommes vers la lune et une base lunaire. Mars n'est pas visé à moyen terme.

Baïkonour continuera d'être utilisé mais pas développé. Vostochny sera développé comme moyen des nouveaux plans russes.

Selon les décisions américaine, l'ISS sera soit poursuivie au-delà d e2020 ou le segment russe récupéré et introduit dans les nouveaux développements

A lire dans le détails pour ceux que ça intéresse.

le plan du projet:

I. General Provisions

II. Principles of space activities in the long term

III. The aim of the Strategy of development of space activities in Russia until 2030 and beyond

IV. Milestones and expected results

V. Priorities for the Strategy of development of space activities in Russia until 2030 and beyond

5.1. Ensuring social and economic spheres

5.2. Fundamental space research

5.3. Manned program

5.4. The development of launch vehicles, spaceports, ground control of space vehicles

VI. Breakthrough technology

VII. The development of space industry

VIII. International cooperation

IX. Mechanisms for implementation of the Strategy

9.1. The principles of the Strategy

9.2. Incentives Strategy

9.3. Public-private partnerships in the field of space activities

9.4. Competencies and tasks of public authorities

9.5. Financial arrangements

9.6. Priorities of legal mechanisms

le reste est en russe ici (donc traduire les parties les plus intéressantes avec un traducteur automatique):

Perspectives russes 2030 Strategiya_01

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Message Lun 17 Sep 2012 - 18:53

Selon Popovkine le draft du programme est dans les mains du gouvernement et devrait arriver au niveau du Président russe avant la fin du mois.

17.09.2012 / 16:58 Draft Strategy-2030 outer space soon to President - Popovkin

Vladimir Popovkin, head of Roscosmos expects that the draft strategy space development of Russia until 2030 and beyond will be sent to the President for review and approval before the end of September this year, according to RIA Novosti.
Roscosmos August 15 in the Russian government introduced a draft "Strategy for the development of space activities of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030."
"Today, this document is in the Russian government. I think that in September the project will be sent to the President for consideration and approval" - Popovkin told journalists on Monday.

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Message Jeu 20 Sep 2012 - 22:31

Rajoutons l'avis de G Padalka (l'un des cosmonautes russes les plus expérimentés): le programme spatial habité russe est basé sur les technologies des années 70...

Russia's manned space program is still based on the technologies of the 70's of the last century

Star City (MO), 20 September. (ARMS-TASS). Russia's manned space program is still based on the technologies of the 70's of last century, at the time, as the partners in the ISS program applied technologies of the XXI century. This opinion was expressed by one of the most experienced Russian cosmonauts Gennady Padalka for post-flight press conference at Star City.

According to Padalka, problems of Russian space exploration, including manned and are directly linked to the state of the Russian economy, which is still based on the export of raw materials. As long as such a situation, it is impossible to talk about the development of high-tech industries such as aerospace, believes one of the most experienced Russian cosmonaut detachment.

"We fly on technologies 70's (last century), and the astronauts do not have emotional recovery - quoted cosmonaut ITAR-TASS. - For 25 years, the new Russia has not done anything yet."

"When you see the achievements of partners - you know, that we do not move forward," - with regret Padalka.

At that time, the American partners launch rovers and test the latest software delivery to Mars, using modern robotics in orbit, Russia's manned space program, according to him, was very similar to the experience gained over the past 50 years.

Les mêmes déclarations mais peut-être mieux rapportées ou traduites, du moins plus nuancées, mais mettant en cause le gouvernement accusé de ne pas vouloir investir dans les hautes technologies:

09.20.2012 / 16:28 Padalka: this upgrade space industry has not happened

Russian space industry is on the level of technology of the 1980s, this upgrade does not happen, said at a news conference on Thursday, Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, RIA Novosti reported.
"As long as there is no real upgrade the space industry. Maybe this is not a systemic crisis, as some say, but there is no way forward, as our partners. We stagnated somewhere in the eighties", - stated the astronaut, who returned on September 17 of the semi-annual trip to the International Space Station (ISS).
According to him, though generally in the manned space program until everything is normal and no accidents, must move forward.
"ISS partners have advanced much further, already at the station Robonavta humanoid face. Too, I would like to have that. Yeah, let it until the experimental model, the entry-level, but it is moving forward," - said Padalka.
According to him, while the living legacy of the Russian aerospace industry development triumphant Soviet times.
"Now our space industry - part of the Russian economy. And yet its development is solely on the commodity vector. Government does not want to invest in high technology, so there is no development, in particular, in our industry," - concluded astronaut.

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Message Ven 21 Sep 2012 - 20:20

"ISS partners have advanced much further, already at the station Robonavta humanoid face. Too, I would like to have that. Yeah, let it until the experimental model, the entry-level, but it is moving forward," - said Padalka.

C'est une forme de plaidoyer pour que la recherche en robotique soit boostée ... Super

Pour ce qui est des lanceurs ... de la capsule Soyouz, en usage .... certes on reste sur des technologies anciennes (quoiqu'avec des mises à jour notables) et çà marche encore.
La relève est en route (Angara - PTS - cosmodrome de Vostochny) ... pas si mal si on se rappelle l'effondrement complet après la fin de l'URSS.

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Message Sam 22 Sep 2012 - 19:31

montmein69 a écrit:
La relève est en route (Angara - PTS - cosmodrome de Vostochny) ... pas si mal si on se rappelle l'effondrement complet après la fin de l'URSS.

je partage ce point de vue: la Russie a bien failli perdre son industrie spatiale. Ils ont su conserver l'essentiel, très difficilement, ce qui explique aussi qu'aujourd'hui ils aient du mal a repartir de l'avant, car leur base technologique a vieilli. Ils leur faut donc à la fois reformer des hommes et réacquérir des technologies modernes dans un pays dont l'économie reste sur des bases de vente de matières premières peu transformées...

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Message Jeu 1 Nov 2012 - 21:32

Une nouvelle version du programme spatial russe va être proposée au gouvernement d'ici une quinzaine de jours, prenant en compte les modifications au niveau de l'exploration des planètes proposées par l'Académie des Sciences.

11.02.2012 / 00:05 The new version of the space program may be of 1-2 weeks

A revised version of the Federal Space Program, which, in particular, contains a program change planetary exploration missions, previously proposed by scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) will be submitted to the government within one to two weeks, said the deputy head of Roskosmos, Vitaly Davydov.
"There is a refinement of the federal space program, which will now be prepared and submitted to the Government by the Economic Development Ministry. It is compatible with all federal bodies of executive power, it received the endorsement of the Ministry of Justice. I think that it will be introduced in a week - two," - said RIA Novosti Davydov sidelines of the forum, "Open Innovation" in Moscow.

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Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
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Message Ven 2 Nov 2012 - 10:54

Retrouver les compétences techniques dans le domaine de l'exploration interplanétaire perdues depuis la chute de l'URSS, cela parait une perspective assez cohérente.
D'autant que côté US ce sera un domaine mis en veilleuse, vue l'asséchement des crédits pour les missions scientifiques. Donc un créneau ... où la Russie peut envisager de renouer avec des réussites et donc redorer un peu son blason.
Ce sera aussi un domaine où il faut rester dans la course face aux "concurrents" chinois, indiens etc ....
Mais cela sera largement conditionné par une drastique politique de redressement du contrôle qualité de toute la chaine de fournisseurs. C'est pas gagné !

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Message Dim 25 Nov 2012 - 17:41

Les scientifiques russes ne semblent pas miser sur le "tout sondes automatiques". C'est en tout cas le sens des déclaration de Lev Zeleny, directeur de l'IKI, pour qui les opérations de maintenance d'un éventuel télescope polaire lunaire ne pourrait se faire qu'à l'aide d'astronautes.

25/11/2012 Lunar Program of Russia is impossible without the participation of astronauts convinced Director ISR

Russian program to explore the Moon can not be realized only with automatic systems, without the help of astronauts, the director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Lev Zeleny.

"We have very big plans for the study of the lunar poles, which never landed spacecraft. Hope to find some very interesting things. They have something to do man. Those systems that will be deployed on the Moon, including radioteleskopicheskie system will need to maintain , the role of the astronaut is irreplaceable, "- said L.Zeleny journalists in St. Petersburg on Friday.

He added that the space program is to explore the Moon will be implemented with the help of scientists and colleagues from Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

According L.Zelenogo, now the Russian space industry "breathless" by lack of personnel, so the experience of colleagues from the CIS will be useful, "Interfax".

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Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
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Message Jeu 27 Déc 2012 - 15:59

Le gouvernement russe a entériné le programme spatial 2013-2020 (notez que cela ne va pas jusqu'en 2030). Le développement se fera en 2 phases, la première de 2013 à 2015 et il s'agira de rétablir le niveau atteind dans la période soviétique, la secode de 2015 à 2020 où il s'agira de développer l'industrie spatiale sur la base des nouvelles technologies.

7.12.2012 The Government has approved the state program for the development of space industry

The Russian government on Thursday approved the state program for the development of the space industry for 2013-2020 years, RIA Novosti reported.

The presentation of the program for the meeting, the head of Roscosmos, Vladimir Popovkin, following the discussion, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has proposed to adopt the program.

"There is a proposal to support the program. No objection? Decide" - said Medvedev.

According to the Prime Minister, the funding program for the Russian space industry in the years 2013-2020 will amount to 2.1 trillion rubles.

The state program is a framework document, which includes other program documents the space sector - in particular, the Federal Space Program, the Federal Program for the development of the GLONASS system, program development and launch sites unclassified part of the program of modernization of industry.

12/27/2012 By 2020, Russia's share in the global market space is expected to increase to 16 per cent - Popovkin

By 2020, Russia's share in the global market space is expected to increase to 16 percent. Said the head of Roscosmos, Vladimir Popovkin, presented to the government development program space industry.

"We expect that the share of Russia in the global space rocket technology will increase from 10 percent today to 16 percent," - he said.

After hearing the report of the head of the space agency, the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev asked in which country the largest share of the market. "The biggest - American, it is now around 60 percent, but it is not only the production but also the provision of services," - said in response Popovkin. Thus, according to him, the U.S. accounts for about 70 percent of today market of television and radio.

"Speaking of absolute numbers, our volume is expected to increase by 2.5 times," - he said.
Popovkin also said that the government program will be implemented in two phases. "Prior to 2015 - is to restore capacity that existed in the Soviet period, and from 2015 to 2020 - creating the conditions for a breakthrough on the basis of new technologies", - he said, according to Business-TASS.

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Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
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Message Jeu 27 Déc 2012 - 16:18

La politique russe en matière d'espace: 2100 de milliards de roubles d'ici 2020.

12/27/2012 The development of the space industry by 2020 would send 2.1 trillion rubles

Funding for the program for the Russian space industry in the years 2013-2020 was 2.1 trillion rubles, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting of the government, according to RIA Novosti.

"The total amount of funding is very significant - 2.1 trillion rubles, including extrabudgetary sources," - said the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister pointed out that, in such financial support to the enterprise space industry increased productivity, improved performance space sphere, reliability and security of its infrastructure.

Medvedev stressed that Russia's position has historically been the strongest in the world.

"This state must be maintained. And Russia was, is and will be the leading space power," - said Medvedev.

He acknowledged that the industry has a fair amount of problems.

"I have three times - in August, September and November - a meeting on optimizing the management system, improve the quality and reliability of space-rocket engineering" - reminded the prime minister.

He said that the draft state program aims to address goszadach and defense capability, economic development and social welfare.

"The program will allow our country to be fully involved in future projects, such as the ISS, the study of the moon, Mars and other celestial bodies in the solar system," - said Medvedev.


Dernière édition par patchfree le Jeu 27 Déc 2012 - 18:38, édité 1 fois

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Message Jeu 27 Déc 2012 - 16:53

patchfree a écrit:2.1 milliards de milliards de roubles d'ici 2020.

N'exagérons rien : 2100 milliards de roubles (c'est déjà pas mal :))

Kosmonavtika - Le site de l'Espace russe

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Message Jeu 27 Déc 2012 - 19:30

2100 milliards de roubles jusqu'en 2020 = 6,5 M€ par an (budget ESA= 4M€ - budget USA = 13,6M€). A condition que les promesses suivent....

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Message Jeu 27 Déc 2012 - 23:03

Lunarjojo a écrit:2100 milliards de roubles jusqu'en 2020 = 6,5 M€ par an (budget ESA= 4M€ - budget USA = 13,6M€). A condition que les promesses suivent....

6.5 M€ avec un salaire moyen en Russie qui est beaucoup plus bas qu'aux USA, ça devrait leur permettre de faire pas mal de choses quand même.

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Message Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 0:58

Akwa a écrit:
Lunarjojo a écrit:2100 milliards de roubles jusqu'en 2020 = 6,5 M€ par an (budget ESA= 4M€ - budget USA = 13,6M€). A condition que les promesses suivent....

6.5 M€ avec un salaire moyen en Russie qui est beaucoup plus bas qu'aux USA, ça devrait leur permettre de faire pas mal de choses quand même.

Ils veulent augmenter les salaires de 50 % dans l'industrie spatiale mais même avec ça il aura encore une différence en terme de salaire.

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Message Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 19:05

"The program will allow our country to be fully involved in future projects, such as the ISS, the study of the moon, Mars and other celestial bodies in the solar system," - said Medvedev.

Souhait de maintenir une activité interplanétaire .... c'est bon signe .... car par ailleurs (du moins en Occident) les budgets risquent plutôt d'être à la sauce "vaches maigres". Perspectives russes 2030 Bounce
La Russie optera t'elle pour du "cavalier seul" ou proposera t'elle des collaborations ? Pour l'instant difficile à dire.
Mais si elle prend des initiatives dans le sens de rechercher des collaborations dont elle serait l'instigatrice et donc jouerait le rôle de coordinatrice, l'Europe aura perdu une belle occasion de se hisser en candidate au leadership dans ce domaine.

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Message Ven 28 Déc 2012 - 23:09

montmein69 a écrit:
"The program will allow our country to be fully involved in future projects, such as the ISS, the study of the moon, Mars and other celestial bodies in the solar system," - said Medvedev.

Souhait de maintenir une activité interplanétaire .... c'est bon signe .... car par ailleurs (du moins en Occident) les budgets risquent plutôt d'être à la sauce "vaches maigres". Perspectives russes 2030 Bounce
La Russie optera t'elle pour du "cavalier seul" ou proposera t'elle des collaborations ? Pour l'instant difficile à dire.
Mais si elle prend des initiatives dans le sens de rechercher des collaborations dont elle serait l'instigatrice et donc jouerait le rôle de coordinatrice, l'Europe aura perdu une belle occasion de se hisser en candidate au leadership dans ce domaine.

Avec Exomars, dont l'accord est attendu en janvier (après quelques difficultés), il semble que les deux parties abordent la question à égalité de rôle.

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Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
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Message Sam 29 Déc 2012 - 16:50

patchfree a écrit:
Avec Exomars, dont l'accord est attendu en janvier (après quelques difficultés), il semble que les deux parties abordent la question à égalité de rôle.

ExoMars c'est un peu particulier puisque que cela s'est fait un peu par "raccroc" suite au désistement de la NASA.
Je suppose que la Russie étudie ou étudiera d'autres missions au delà de 2018. C'est pour celles là qu'on verra si elle pense pouvoir gérer cela seule ou si elle proposera des collaborations et sous quelle forme (et à qui) :?:

Messages : 20958
Inscrit le : 01/10/2005
Age : 73 Masculin
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Message Mar 26 Mar 2013 - 19:33

Le document qui était soumis au gouvernement a été signé par le chef du gouvernement russe (Madvedev) et va maintenant être soumis à la signature du président.

The strategy of the development of space activities in Russia until 2030, and for the future is on the coordination in the government - Roscosmos
The strategy of the development of space activities in Russia until 2030, and for the future is on the coordination in the government - Roscosmos

MOSCOW, March 26. (ARMS-TASS). The strategy of the development of space activities in Russia until 2030 and beyond is being coordinated by the government. This was announced today at the forum of innovative technologies "Infospeys", Head of Strategic Planning and target programs Roscosmos Yuri Makarov.

"It was formed document - space development strategy up to 2030 and beyond, which in the course of the discussion was transformed into a policy framework in space activities. Such a document for 1.5 years, has been formulated. Currently, he is presented to the government, is now to be signed by the prime minister for submission to the President for signature - Russia, "Makarov said.

According to him, Fundamentals of space activities have been prepared by a working group comprising representatives of Roscosmos and space experts. Makarov said that all the leading countries of the world have strategic documents in the field of space exploration and development of space technology. "Different countries are differently named, but keep in mind the trend of development of space", - he said.


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Inscrit le : 19/04/2007
Age : 69 Masculin
Localisation : Poitiers

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